Black sails was such a great show. The first two seasons were some legendary tv, and captain Flint is a character for the history books. There are some other amazing characters as well, and the show is riveting and adventurous.
But then in season 3, some plot and character developments start to detract from the show. But they truly manifest in season 4, altogether ruining the show's conclusion. Silver becomes the most annoying character, unbefitting the status given to him. Billy does a complete 180, no longer the character we grew to respect and understand. And Flint is given a terrible ending that is truly unjust; this legendary captain deserved so much better.... Unforgivable.
Not to mention that the motivations and drivers behind the 4th season were so convoluted and ridiculous that none of it really had any stakes at all. If you asked me to tell you what the whole thing was about, I'd be hard pressed. I could make characters and key words but I truly believe the writers just wanted it to end.
All that said, overall a great show. 8/10, but could've really been an all time show.