It started off kind of decent with the girl using a dating app and being sexually harassed by a jerk on the job. The writers even had her put him off several times which was a needed switch in how women are generally portrayed as mindless twits. But they did screw up with the African American date taking home the dead guy who she didn't know from a can of paint.
And it was good that the sex scenes didn't come off like two people suffering from epilepsy or some type of strange aerobic exercise. And that is where the good ended.
Because I have grown tired off the old stale tired SOP of trying to add suspense with turtle walking, the classic "Deer in the Headlights" when asked a question. The sheer stupidity of the protagonist to spend nine days sleeping with a ghost. Followed by going against her own principles of not dating clowns that she works with, and the second co-worker was just as obnoxious as the one whop got fired. So the credibility of this liaison was nonexistence.
And like other viewers, by the end I didn't care and frankly I was rooting for the ghost to take her with him. No I did not enjoy this, and it could have been better without the faked forced fraudulent love interest at the end and why wasn't she concerned with her friend and room-mate???