How to Blow Up a Pipeline is a punchy film with a pertinent message.
It follows a group of environmental activists who, you've guessed it, hatch a plot to blow up a pipeline. The plot tracks them as they begin to enact their plan, and also delves into each of their back stories to reveal why they have arrived at this drastic course of action.
It makes for a compelling watch I must say. Each of the characters are interesting and distinct, and delving into their backstories is engaging. The performances are all very solid.
Visually the film is appealing but sparse, with few bells and whistles. It looks rugged and rough which works well.
In terms of pacing it does leave a little to be desired. There are a few troughs, but actually I found the whole thing more thrilling than I was expecting.
The result is a thoroughly entertaining and engaging film with a strong and timely message at its core.