The story of this post-apocalyptic thriller is rather one-dimensional: a young guy follows the path of the (cannibalistic!) thugs that killed his father, there's a lot of running and chasing and harsh fighting, before we get to a satisfying closure. But it's nonetheless pretty involving, the pace is for most of the time high, with a fair amount of suspense and action, and you more and more root for the main character, hoping to see him get awarded for all his tireless efforts.
It's obviously a low-budget production: the settings hardly vary, there are just of few actors, and no special effects or CGI (as far as I could see), and there was certainly no need for a dialogues coach, because there aren't any dialogues. I have no idea why not, it impressed me as an arty director's whim, for why would all surviving mankind within 10 years after the apocalypse loose their ability to speak?! But to be honest, after some 20 minutes you get used to it and don't miss it anymore.
The young hero is played by Toby Goodger. Since the director is Ben Goodger, they are probably brothers, or at least family. According to IMDb Ben Goodger made a short movie in 2010, called "Coming of Age", with as synopsis: "A young boy battles with new responsibilities in a brutal post-apocalyptic future". So apparently the premise of this full length feature already originated 15 years ago. And guess who the main actor was in 2010: young Toby Goodger! And I have to say, that the mature Toby Goodger in 2024 looks awesome, he has a great screen presence, and he did an absolutely fine job in his difficult and very physical role.