The main issue with this movie is how the movie cant seem to decide which demographic its for. Is this a kids movie? Definitely not. Theres sex jokes, condom jokes, implied sex, and tons of other stuff that would lead to you having some really awkward conversations with your kids afterwards ("mommy, what did that guy mean when he said that the girl was a 'virgin'?") is this a movie for adults? Ummm... nope. The tone and premise is just way too childish and silly for that either.. so who is this movie for?
Its also got plenty of other problems under the surface as well. The actor playing the therapist was just annoying, the middle child max is just an extra in the first 2 thirds of the movie before suddenly deciding he wants to be an actual character in the final act. Also some of the sources of conflict were just dumb, like oh no, the dad is renting out a bathelor pad for when he moves out? Thats terrible for... some reason. I will say though that i did like it how whenever the movie relived a day it didnt re-show everything beat for beat, it only showed the stuff that changed from the previous day, that definitely saved a lot of filler.
Its just... meh. It just feels like a movie that came out a couple decades too late, it literally feels like a movie from the 80s or 90s. Its not terrible, but its just not completely compatible with any specific demographic.