Right, well, I have to admit that I was lured into watching the 2022 horror movie "Mister Creep" on account of it being a horror movie that I had never seen, much less every heard about, and also because I found the movie's cover to be interesting.
However, had I known that this was one of those atrocious found footage movies with insanely lousy camera work all over the place, I would simply have skipped on the movie entirely. Yeah, I absolutely loathe the found footage crap genre.
Now, if writer and director Isaac Rodriguez had opted to go for a properly filmed movie, and thus making an actual movie instead of a home video project, the movie would have been all the more enjoyable, because the script certainly had potential, but was ruined by the shoddy camera work.
Needless to say that I was not familiar with the actors and actresses on the cast list, and in all honesty, despite of this being a lousy found footage garbage heap, then the acting performances were fair.
Visually, then the movie was okay. I was not overly impressed with the effects in the movie. Perhaps because I couldn't distract from the shaky camera that was all over the place.
I am sure that fans of the found footage genre will enjoy the movie. Personally, I just couldn't get into it.
My rating of writer and director Isaac Rodriguez's 2022 movie "Mister Creep" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.