It's terrible how a show that claims to want to destigmatize things does just the opposite, for example in the episode in which a woman doubts whether her inner labia are normal. This woman literally said she just wanted to know if her labia are normal or abnormal. The first sentence the "doctor" says the moment she looks at the labia is "Allison, you've got quite a lot of excess skin around here". On the standing observation she says "from here I can see straight on that they're sticking right down and normally you wouldn't get that appearance". In the few sentences the doctor has said, she calls something that is absolutely not unhealthy and also absolutely not rare, abnormal. The fact that the woman herself had the choice to have the surgery or not does not alter the fact that not one attempt was made to normalize something normal (on the contrary). The media spreads a certain image of the vagina causing many women and men to no longer have a realistic image of the great diversity that actually exists in that area. Because of that many women are ashamed of their own normal, natural, healthy labia and undergo surgery. As a result the group of woman with large labia (and a lot of them with larger labia than the woman in this episode) shrinks. Functional complaints are often used as an excuse while the reason in most of the cases is actually purely aesthetic (to get rid of insecurities). This is not a complaint against the woman who undergo this kind of surgery. I understand them very well. This is a complaint against media starting and fueling insecurities and then making money out of them. Embarrassing bodies has done this too. With this episode, embarrassing bodies only managed to make a lot of women feel bad over something that is absolutely normal and supported the industry that makes money from peoples insecurities. I do not believe that this program serves the purposes it claims to serve, quite the contrary.