Have a lot of appreciation for Queen. Not a favourite band of mine by all means, but it is difficult to not understand their importance and appeal. They had some iconic songs (namely "Bohemian Rhapsody", "We Will Rock You", "We Are the Champions" and "Don't Stop Me Now") and Freddie Mercury's immediately recognisable vocals and Brian May's virtuosic guitar playing were always out of this world.
'Bohemian Rhapsody' fascinated me when hearing about it and became most of my most anticipated films for the year. When hearing some negativity for the film, my expectations lowered a little, but saw it anyway because it did look and sound good. It did turn out to be a good decision, it is good to see that others here loved it and don't agree with the mixed critical reception respectfully.
Sure there are clichés (such as what some of the rest of Queen say) , but very few films are not and many are much worse in this regard. Like a lot of biopics, there are inaccuracies that may drive die-hard Queen fans into a frenzy, and the odd factual distortion, but again 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is not the first or worst film to do this and am going to judge it as a film on its own and not on a documentary level.
As a film on its own terms, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' has an awful lot to admire. Getting the issues out of the way, the ones that could have been handled much better was the with the revelation of Freddie Mercury's AIDs diagnosis to the rest of the band, could have been done with more tact and less crass (like saying what it was a consequence of) and revealed too early and at the wrong time, and the implications with the phone ringing off post-taking centre stage that the event was a flop when it actually was a triumph.
Some of the early parts were a touch rushed as well, Mercury's ascent to stardom could have been less breakneck.
However, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is stylishly film and evokes the period beautifully. As to be expected, the songs are incredible and will be embedded in your brain for a long time, then again it is Queen of course. They are affectionately staged and performed in a way that made me remember what made me appreciate Queen in the first place.
Didn't find the script that simplistic or cliff-notes like, while there is a nice mix of moment of laughter, tension and tears and enough parts that entertained and informed, if not as in depth as it should. The story is never dull and the Live Aid depiction is both rousing and poignant. It's capably directed and while all the performances are fine if underused, it is Rami Malek's outstanding turn as Mercury that will live long in the memory, true to what made Mercury so interesting a person and performer without being an impersonation.
Concluding, impressively done and better than anticipated. 8/10 Bethany Cox