First thing: I don't know why Harris was paid for this movie, He has copy pasted major of songs and his BGM is actually playing against the movie.
Murugadoss trying to share a lost part of Tamil history is commendable. But it is heartbreaking that he has tried to do it through a rehashed plot beaten to death in Hollywood movies. Nothing great about the much hyped action sequence. Only good part of the movie is the first 20 minutes portraying the story in 520 AD and Shruti's outburst in the scene where the scientists try to mock her for using a book written in Tamil as the reference for her research. Every Tamilian should share the spirit. Shruthi has a better role than Surya in the movie. Only role for Surya is the one u see in posters
Thanks to ARM for sharing the wonderful Tamil History, but this beautiful concept is spoiled by the annoying BGM and a poor screenplay. Btr luck next time Doss....