I have a thing about miniseries as much more can be put into 6-8hrs that can be packed into the 2hrs of a feature length story. IMO almost all of televisions greatest works are in mini-series such as 'Boys from the Black Stuff', Traffic' & 'Edge of Darkness'. Alan Bleasdale has always been the master of this format but, with 'The Promise', Peter Kosminsky joins him at the top. All 8hrs is used to maximum effect.
'The Promise' shows how Israel was born in violence & how the violence is maintained in the present day. Around this Kosminsky has drawn a gripping storyline of the granddaughter of a soldier in the British Protectorate searching out the mystery of her grandfathers story. Thus Erin, the granddaughter travels modern Israel while her grandfathers story shows late '40s Palestine & the birth of Israel.
If you want to understand the Middle East conflict then you can't do better than to watch this series.
Kosminsky has been accused of taking an anti-Jewish stance with this series but I cannot agree with this. The British & Israeli forces are everywhere and very prominent while the modern Palestinian terrorist is a small minority. This is how Kosminsky shows it and I believe that to have given more prominence to the Palestinian violence would have introduced a pro-Israeli bias.
I do not give 10/10 lightly but 'The Promise' has earnt it as absolute top quality viewing.