This is one of those rare gems in the indie horror world that reaches beyond it's budget and actually delivers. Much of that comes down to the stellar lead performance by Sadie Katz who is in pretty much every scene in the film. Katz plays Anne with a burning intensity that jumps off the screen. You can't help but feel that Anne's struggle is real as she battles against her family's multi generational curse and her husband and sister in law believing it's "all in her head".
The VFX in this film are limited which actually works to the films advantage. The whole movie takes an old school "less is more" approach. I don't know if this was a choice by the filmmakers to stay within budget, but it gives the film a classic 70's feel that let's the creepy and foreboding atmosphere really build and the scares count when they come in.
The choices of locations should also be noted as they lend an element of authenticity to the whole piece. It really feels like you're inside real places (not sets) and that helps sell the feeling that this all really happening.
Overall this is a tastefully done, well crafted genre piece that features a fantastic performance from it's lead actress. Watching this, I wouldn't be surprised to see Katz in larger stuff very soon.