I struggle to say anything really "bad" about this movie. I LOVED the movie for about 1hr and 26mins. Those final ~3ish minutes kind of soiled the entire movie for me.
I felt like the movie was VERY well done for what they were working with. It counts as an indie Irish folk horror film and in that regard, this movie is AMAZING. The acting was very well done, I felt like I couldn't find a single actor/actress that didn't feel like they weren't giving everything they had for their role.
The scenery in this movie as well, BEAUTIFUL. Filming in Iceland was an outstanding choice because every outdoor shot in this movie is gorgeous.
The jumpscares, though not plentiful, are set up and land very well for the average viewer, barring two really cheap jumpscares but that's allowed.
I enjoyed how the plot moved forward naturally, and it felt like none of the characters decisions were made in typical horror movie fashion aka "without a brain".
This movie also made me feel really bad for pretty much the entire crew. I felt like, even though they did NEARLY everything right, they still were punished for it. I understand that they set the tone early by explaining the folklore that these spirits are just full of rage with how their endings came to be, but it still felt bad having seen the characters do everything right and still get punished for making the correct choices. It felt like there was nothing they could do to stop what happened, and that left a bleak and sorrowful feeling during the entire movie. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING HOWEVER AND ADDED TO MY ENJOYMENT OF THE MOVIE.
That all comes, in my own opinion, undone with the ending. To keep the review spoiler free, I won't spoil the ending but, it did leave me feeling a little bit like "why did we do all of this"/"how did we not know this by now".
Overall however, the ending, after much consideration, wasn't enough to sway the rating or drop it too much, this is still a fantastic film and if you are a horror fan you should definitely watch this one. ESPECIALLY if you like the folk horror genre. Solid 7/10 when ranked with horror movie
Solid acting
Beautiful scenery
Good jumpscares
Good plot
Great Sound design
Good emotion
Bad ending.