Ok, I first got the preview on FB, and it peaked my curiosity. So, I watched the first episode, and like any good series, they leave you with that cliffhanger at the end of each episode. Now, not to give any spoiler's in this. I will admit, that some of the "mystery" stuff, is kind of fairly easy to figure out. But, it's the comedy, and the plot to the story, that had me hooked on it, to the point, where I have now watched(Twice), every episode! The best way to think of this series? Think of it as more of a live-action anime type of story plot, with the shapeshifting, relationship, and the pararrel world's/universe. It's similar in a way, to that of the old show "Sabrina The Teenage Witch", with a much different story/plot to it, as they both have magical doorway's, spell's, and unique cat character's. Now, unlike Sabrina The Teenage Witch, it's not filled with magic spell's. Now, it did get a 9 star from me, due to the last select few episode's, did seem a bit jumbled, and too big of gap's between them, for most to understand what is really going on. In other word's, it's kind of like, ending the last episode, then starting the next episode 1/4-3/8th's of the way into it, as too much was skipped over, to keep the consistency, that the other episode's had. And, the special effect's, are well done, as well. Especially, for a low-budget online show. And, I am here in the USA. So, other than the subtitle part(Unless, you speak simple Mandarin Chinese), I thought it was a great series, and wouldn't mind it, if a second season were to show up. Maybe, able to work out some of the kink's in the first season, like the huge gap's of the plotline, that I mentioned before. But, I am not going to hold my breath on that one, with the passed time, already.