Well I rarely, if ever, review movies. Maybe ones that really touched me. I read the reviews after watching this movie that I loved and felt compelled to submit a review. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so those who have poorly reviewed the movie perhaps had differing expectations to me. I had none - as it came on autoplay after I had just watched a different movie. & I'm so glad it did.
Very briefly summarised, I would say this movie made me reflect on following your passion and getting paid with life fulfillment. The small town setting I really liked, it made me think how much I like living in the countryside.
I see the two lead performers: Galandriel Stineman and Aaron Mees, as having excellent chemistry. It was a really sweet and nice story.
I find what a lot of people consider to be 'bad acting' to be just how some people actually act in real life. These are real people who I'm sure every one of us has met someone like that from small towns and villages. In this statement I refer to some of the supporting cast. The leads were perfect in my opinion and I will seek other films they each have been in because of this.
I am unsure if it is a lifetime movie or a TV movie but those labels never concern me. I studied film and just really appreciate a movie that speaks to me. This one did. Some films I like from the 1940s b movies, some stylised films, some with big production values, others independent small budget 'story' pictures. I would say this one is a story picture for me.
So if you want to see a nice story, about two people - both living lives and following their dreams - who end up falling in love. About a sweet community where everyone cares about each other. Sure, there's some gossip. But who cares. Community is everything. Great friends and family support those two in this movie. And a happy ending. (Sometimes I appreciate a 'French ending' when the story calls for it. Other times, a happy ending makes sense.)
Another reviewer suggested this may be good Christmas viewing. When some people can be more relaxed about what movies they choose to watch. Watching them for sheer enjoyment of family time watching movies together at Christmas. So I would say it would be great for that. Or just in general. Depends what you like.
I enjoyed it. I recommend it 😊