Direction and actors were fine. The series gimmick was also interesting: in each episode, you go through an entire week over and over, but from a different person's perspective.
But I didnt like the plot and the characters. So I guess, if you like the cliche story "I did drugs and I dont remember what I did last night but a murder happened" then go for it. It's slow, the character arcs are uninteresting and it lacks energy. It's way too focused on drugs, as everyone uses, and everyone is passive or makes stupid choices. And everyone is broken. It's a miseryfest.
The do try to make each character's arc interesting, but to me everything is just boring. It's like there's nothing but drugs, sex and corruption everywhere. I didn't like any of the characters or their motivations or their progression.
Also, the 1st episode ends in a fake cliffhanger. That was a complete troll.