Imagine a Hallmark Christmas movie where instead of the girl having to choose between Small Town Guy and Big City Guy (and always choosing the former), we get parallel and fairly balanced stories with both, except with no Christmas and a pregnancy (scare?). That's pretty much what this movie is.
I really like Lili Reinhart. She's charming and expressive and quite a good actress. The movie wouldn't work with someone less likable in the lead role. Her character, Natalie, does have some less than admirable moments, but then so does everybody. In that sense it's realistic.
Unfortunately much of the film is quite unrealistic. In both situations things run too smoothly with only a few minor bumps that get resolved with little more than a hiccup. The housing is too nice, the stress not stressful enough, the people too supportive and steady, and the child more than a little too easy after the early baby stage. Some sleepless nights and one explosive poop situation? That's nothing.
That said, I didn't watch this movie for something realistic. I knew it would soften the blows and it did. Which is fine. I really enjoyed seeing Luke Wilson as Natalie's father. I liked the Austin setting. I loved her wardrobe. The animation sequences are brief but sweet and creative. It's a warm-hearted, fairly light story about heavy subjects, and that's fine. Overall, I would say I liked Austin Natalie better than LA Natalie, but then I live in Texas and love Austin.
If you have teen daughters, remind them that this isn't reality. The movies seldom are.