Seeing sex trafficking through the eyes of a once innocent girl can mobilize people and nations to stop it - that's the belief that drives this astonishing movie deep into your heart. Along the way, it slays myths: that girls and women face these dangers willingly and deserve only shame; that trading money for sex is no crime, and that the damage of sexual slavery can ever be undone. Anyone who has witnessed this searing movie will know better.
When we first meet 13-year-old Lakshmi, a bright, spirited, shyly beautiful Nepalese girl growing up in a remote mountain village, she seems far from danger. Loved by a mother who knows only self-sacrifice, Lakshmi seems destined for more. She's in school, works hard, but likes what young girls like – her kite, toe rings, sweet cakes, music, and dancing.
We see trouble, too - her stepfather drinks and gambles; her mother's prayers are no match for his addictions. We know that other village families have tin roofs, and that Lakshmi's family needs one. So begins a tale with no end.
Be brave and watch this movie. Pass it on by helping to fund SOLD's distribution. Be bolder still and help end the cycle – one life, one law, one nation at a time.