...And finally I've come to the very first thing from my list of thousands of titles seen that's worth me spending time to write about.
Don't get me wrong, I've seen other wonderful documentaries, movies, serials etc., but here we have a documentary on a topic that fascinates me more than anything. So, while I apologies for my bias, I suspect it is bias which has played a major role on this title not receiving 10/10 all across the board. To me this documentary-movie is the greatest piece of art in television history because it visualises the absolute boundaries of the human knowledge. To take the viewer through a 'zoom-out style' journey is brilliant in its own right, but to achieve subtly highlighting just how small we are is another major plus. It's been 10 years (at the time of my review), I have watched it countless times, and the narration throughout has informed me loud and clear that we are probably just scratching the surface.
Dear NatGeo, please tell me more.