First Power Rangers series to have a female Green Ranger (excluding Power Rangers Megaforce (2013) in which the Pink Ranger sometimes uses Legendary Green Ranger modes). It's counterpart, Towa/Ryusoul Green in Kîshiryû Sentai Ryûsorujâ (2019) is male.
With the introduction of Izzy and Javi, Dino Fury is the 5th season to feature siblings as Rangers. The 1st was Power Rangers: Sauvetage éclair (2000) with Dana and Ryan, followed by Power Rangers: Force Cyclone (2003) with Blake and Hunter, then Power Rangers: Force mystique (2006) with Vida and Madison, and finally Power Rangers R.P.M. (2009) with Gem and Gemma. On a side note there is also Andros and Karone, but this brother and sister were Rangers in different seasons, Power Rangers: Dans l'espace (1998) and Power Rangers: L'Autre Galaxie (1999) respectively.
Izzy was originally played by Alexandra Young; however between the leaked cast info and the official announcements she was replaced by Tessa Rao.
Jordon T. Fite is the first African-American actor to join a Power Rangers series as the team's Sixth Ranger. He is also the first African American actor to portray a Gold Ranger.
In season two, Ollie's mother Dr Akana is attending the Ishinomori institute. Shotoro Ishinomori is the creator of the Super Sentai series, from which Power Rangers is derived.