Flores es una matriarca gitana que controla el epicentro de la droga en Mallorca. © Filmax
Arranca el rodaje en Barcelona y la isla de Mallorca de la película Mallorca Confidencial, dirigida por David Ilundain y con guion firmado por Amelia Mora (La infiltrada).
Mallorca Confidencial está ambientada en la Mallorca de 2007 y sigue a La Chusa (Flores), matriarca de un poblado chabolista, que gestiona el mercado de la droga con el apoyo de vecinos, traficantes y policía. Pero cuando sufre un cuantioso robo ve cómo su poder y el de su familia se tambalean.
La película está protagonizada por Lolita Flores (Las invisibles), Asia Ortega (Citas Barcelona), Jordi Sánchez (La que se avecina) y Elena Furiase (Mía es la venganza).
En palabras de Ilundain: «Mallorca Confidencial es una historia de éxito, a un precio muy alto. Una mujer nacida en un poblado marginal que se convierte en reina del tráfico...
Arranca el rodaje en Barcelona y la isla de Mallorca de la película Mallorca Confidencial, dirigida por David Ilundain y con guion firmado por Amelia Mora (La infiltrada).
Mallorca Confidencial está ambientada en la Mallorca de 2007 y sigue a La Chusa (Flores), matriarca de un poblado chabolista, que gestiona el mercado de la droga con el apoyo de vecinos, traficantes y policía. Pero cuando sufre un cuantioso robo ve cómo su poder y el de su familia se tambalean.
La película está protagonizada por Lolita Flores (Las invisibles), Asia Ortega (Citas Barcelona), Jordi Sánchez (La que se avecina) y Elena Furiase (Mía es la venganza).
En palabras de Ilundain: «Mallorca Confidencial es una historia de éxito, a un precio muy alto. Una mujer nacida en un poblado marginal que se convierte en reina del tráfico...
- 3/13/2025
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
Historia del fútbol femenino en España. © Filmax
Comienza el rodaje de Pioneras: Solo querían jugar, dirigida por dirigida por Marta Díaz de Lope Díaz (Los buenos modales), que coescribe la película junto a Zebina Guerra (Un paseo por el Borne).
Pioneras: Solo querían jugar, basada en hechos reales y ambientada en la España de principios de los 70, con el franquismo aun fuertemente arraigado en la sociedad, sigue a unas jovencísimas y ninguneadas cracks del balón, y a un soñador y atrevido promotor deportivo, un joven Javier Poga, que aúnan fuerzas para romper barreras y comenzar lo que será la historia del fútbol femenino en España. Un equipo de mujeres que jugó a pesar de todo, a pesar de las miradas extrañas, de los insultos, de las humillaciones, de la prohibición…
La película está encabezada por un reparto de actrices jóvenes y noveles, capitaneadas por Sofía de Iznájar (Las abogadas) y...
Comienza el rodaje de Pioneras: Solo querían jugar, dirigida por dirigida por Marta Díaz de Lope Díaz (Los buenos modales), que coescribe la película junto a Zebina Guerra (Un paseo por el Borne).
Pioneras: Solo querían jugar, basada en hechos reales y ambientada en la España de principios de los 70, con el franquismo aun fuertemente arraigado en la sociedad, sigue a unas jovencísimas y ninguneadas cracks del balón, y a un soñador y atrevido promotor deportivo, un joven Javier Poga, que aúnan fuerzas para romper barreras y comenzar lo que será la historia del fútbol femenino en España. Un equipo de mujeres que jugó a pesar de todo, a pesar de las miradas extrañas, de los insultos, de las humillaciones, de la prohibición…
La película está encabezada por un reparto de actrices jóvenes y noveles, capitaneadas por Sofía de Iznájar (Las abogadas) y...
- 3/7/2025
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
La nueva comedia familiar española que busca arrasar en taquilla. © Buena Vista Internacional
Ya se ha publicado el primer tráiler y póster de El casoplón, la nueva comedia familiar del director Joaquín Mazón y el guionista Roberto Jiménez, que promete conquistar la taquilla primaveral (curiosamente no se estrena en verano).
En El casoplón, Toñi, Carlos y sus tres hijos afrontan el peor verano de sus vidas: sin vacaciones, encerrados en un piso de 50 metros cuadrados, ambos padres trabajando a tiempo completo y, para colmo, el aire acondicionado se estropea en plena ola de calor. Pero, Toñi y los niños convencen a Carlos para quedarse a dormir en el casoplón vacío en el que le ha tocado trabajar como jardinero durante un par de semanas. Lo que iba a ser una escapada temporal del bochorno veraniego se convierte en unas vacaciones inolvidables y llenas de aventuras, entre mansiones y vecinas famosas,...
Ya se ha publicado el primer tráiler y póster de El casoplón, la nueva comedia familiar del director Joaquín Mazón y el guionista Roberto Jiménez, que promete conquistar la taquilla primaveral (curiosamente no se estrena en verano).
En El casoplón, Toñi, Carlos y sus tres hijos afrontan el peor verano de sus vidas: sin vacaciones, encerrados en un piso de 50 metros cuadrados, ambos padres trabajando a tiempo completo y, para colmo, el aire acondicionado se estropea en plena ola de calor. Pero, Toñi y los niños convencen a Carlos para quedarse a dormir en el casoplón vacío en el que le ha tocado trabajar como jardinero durante un par de semanas. Lo que iba a ser una escapada temporal del bochorno veraniego se convierte en unas vacaciones inolvidables y llenas de aventuras, entre mansiones y vecinas famosas,...
- 3/2/2025
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
Spanish Salon
SkyShowtime has announced that production is underway for its new comedy series “Nails,” its third original series commissioned in Spain.
“Nails” tells the story of four women from distinct backgrounds and ages who meet regularly at a nail salon, leading to a transformative friendship. The quartet is overwhelmed by societal pressures to be “perfect,” which prompts them to question their lives and identities. As they grapple with chronic stress, they decide to rebel against their circumstances, which causes an emotional upheaval in their families. This rebellion culminates in the formation of The Free Women’s Club, a safe space aimed at helping other women navigate their challenges.
The show, filmed between Madrid and Bilbao, features an ensemble cast including Cristina Castaño (“Toy Boy”), Marimar Vega (“Las trampas del deseo”), Gracia Olayo (“La Mesías”), Teresa Cuesta (“Machos Alfa”), Fernando Tejero (“La que se avecina”), Javier Antón (“Vaya semanita”), Juanjo Cucalón...
SkyShowtime has announced that production is underway for its new comedy series “Nails,” its third original series commissioned in Spain.
“Nails” tells the story of four women from distinct backgrounds and ages who meet regularly at a nail salon, leading to a transformative friendship. The quartet is overwhelmed by societal pressures to be “perfect,” which prompts them to question their lives and identities. As they grapple with chronic stress, they decide to rebel against their circumstances, which causes an emotional upheaval in their families. This rebellion culminates in the formation of The Free Women’s Club, a safe space aimed at helping other women navigate their challenges.
The show, filmed between Madrid and Bilbao, features an ensemble cast including Cristina Castaño (“Toy Boy”), Marimar Vega (“Las trampas del deseo”), Gracia Olayo (“La Mesías”), Teresa Cuesta (“Machos Alfa”), Fernando Tejero (“La que se avecina”), Javier Antón (“Vaya semanita”), Juanjo Cucalón...
- 1/16/2025
- by Jamie Lang
- Variety Film + TV
Gracia Olayo y Fernando Tejero entre el reparto estelar de la comedia. © SkyShowtime
Arranca el rodaje entre Madrid y Bilbao de Nails, la tercera serie española 100% original de SkyShowtime, creada por Araceli Álvarez de Sotomayor, quien también ejerce como guionista y directora.
Nails cuenta la historia de cuatro mujeres de diferentes estratos sociales y edades que se conocen en un salón de manicura. Sus repetidos encuentros darán lugar a una curiosa amistad que las hará cómplices, hasta el punto de tomar la decisión más importante de sus vidas: dar un paso adelante y volver a ser mujeres como las de antes. Lina, Vanessa, Irene y Marilís son mujeres sometidas a un estrés crónico en su afán de cumplir todos los requisitos exigidos hoy para ser “perfectas”. Representan la feminidad de hoy. Pero, ¿qué ha pasado con su capacidad de elegir? ¿Son víctimas de lo que se espera de ellas? Estas...
Arranca el rodaje entre Madrid y Bilbao de Nails, la tercera serie española 100% original de SkyShowtime, creada por Araceli Álvarez de Sotomayor, quien también ejerce como guionista y directora.
Nails cuenta la historia de cuatro mujeres de diferentes estratos sociales y edades que se conocen en un salón de manicura. Sus repetidos encuentros darán lugar a una curiosa amistad que las hará cómplices, hasta el punto de tomar la decisión más importante de sus vidas: dar un paso adelante y volver a ser mujeres como las de antes. Lina, Vanessa, Irene y Marilís son mujeres sometidas a un estrés crónico en su afán de cumplir todos los requisitos exigidos hoy para ser “perfectas”. Representan la feminidad de hoy. Pero, ¿qué ha pasado con su capacidad de elegir? ¿Son víctimas de lo que se espera de ellas? Estas...
- 1/16/2025
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
¿Hasta dónde llegarías para ayudar a una amiga? © A Contracorriente Films
Las irresponsables, dirigida por Laura Mañá (El cuerpo en llamas), autora también del guion junto a Marta Buchaca (Litus) y basada en la obra homónima del argentino Javier Daulte, se rueda durante seis semanas en Barcelona y alrededores.
En Las irresponsables, Núria, Lila y Andrea se disponen a pasar un fin de semana juntas, fuera de la ciudad, en una casa inteligente, de lujo y llena de obras de arte que le ha dejado un amigo a Núria. Su grupo de WhatsApp arde repleto de buenas intenciones, pero la realidad es que a las tres les da mucha pereza… Todo cambia cuando una inocente pregunta les empuja a liberarse y dejarse llevar por sus impulsos.
La película está protagonizada por Laia Marull (La Mesías), Betsy Túrnez (El 47) y Àgata Roca (Un nuevo amanecer). Completan el reparto Jordi Sánchez...
Las irresponsables, dirigida por Laura Mañá (El cuerpo en llamas), autora también del guion junto a Marta Buchaca (Litus) y basada en la obra homónima del argentino Javier Daulte, se rueda durante seis semanas en Barcelona y alrededores.
En Las irresponsables, Núria, Lila y Andrea se disponen a pasar un fin de semana juntas, fuera de la ciudad, en una casa inteligente, de lujo y llena de obras de arte que le ha dejado un amigo a Núria. Su grupo de WhatsApp arde repleto de buenas intenciones, pero la realidad es que a las tres les da mucha pereza… Todo cambia cuando una inocente pregunta les empuja a liberarse y dejarse llevar por sus impulsos.
La película está protagonizada por Laia Marull (La Mesías), Betsy Túrnez (El 47) y Àgata Roca (Un nuevo amanecer). Completan el reparto Jordi Sánchez...
- 12/3/2024
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
“Oderbruch,” the second series in a first-look TV deal between CBS Studios and Berlin-based Syrreal Entertainment, triumphed at Cadiz’s 2nd South Intl. Series Festival on Thursday, scooping its best fiction series award.
A brooding mystery series, it kicks in with the grisly discovery of the bodies and bones of 248 murder victims left in a pile in a field in set in the desolate marshes of Germany’s northern border with Poland. World premiering at the Munich Film Festival, series is recognized in its ambition as one of the biggest this year in Germany.
The other major winner in scripted was “Joan,” sold by All3International, an Audience Award winner which also took best screenplay. It stars Sophie Turner who is “thrilling in The CW’s tense and engaging jewel thief drama,” Variety announced in its review.
Sophie Turner in “Joan”
Best non-fiction series went to “On Thin Ice: Putin vs.
A brooding mystery series, it kicks in with the grisly discovery of the bodies and bones of 248 murder victims left in a pile in a field in set in the desolate marshes of Germany’s northern border with Poland. World premiering at the Munich Film Festival, series is recognized in its ambition as one of the biggest this year in Germany.
The other major winner in scripted was “Joan,” sold by All3International, an Audience Award winner which also took best screenplay. It stars Sophie Turner who is “thrilling in The CW’s tense and engaging jewel thief drama,” Variety announced in its review.
Sophie Turner in “Joan”
Best non-fiction series went to “On Thin Ice: Putin vs.
- 11/1/2024
- by John Hopewell
- Variety Film + TV
In one of its major recent scripted pick-ups, Zdf Studios has acquired international distribution rights to “Lume,” an eco thriller set against the building crisis of endemic wildfires on the northern Portugal-Spain border which is devastating its countryside.
The production-distribution powerhouse of one of Europe’s biggest public broadcaster powerhouses, Zdf Studios is bringing “Lume” to market at this week’s Mipcom trade fair.
The Zdf pick-up is just the latest sign of interest from international companies and institutions in “Lume.” Warner Bros. Discovery’s platform Max will stream the series in Spain and Portugal, airing simulcasting with Rtp and Televisión de Galicia (Tvg), the public broadcasters of Portugal and Galicia, Spain’s North-West region.
“Lume” was also one of nine E.U. series which won co-financing this June in the second round of the Council of Europe’s pilot program for Series Co-Production Support. The grants target high-quality productions.
The production-distribution powerhouse of one of Europe’s biggest public broadcaster powerhouses, Zdf Studios is bringing “Lume” to market at this week’s Mipcom trade fair.
The Zdf pick-up is just the latest sign of interest from international companies and institutions in “Lume.” Warner Bros. Discovery’s platform Max will stream the series in Spain and Portugal, airing simulcasting with Rtp and Televisión de Galicia (Tvg), the public broadcasters of Portugal and Galicia, Spain’s North-West region.
“Lume” was also one of nine E.U. series which won co-financing this June in the second round of the Council of Europe’s pilot program for Series Co-Production Support. The grants target high-quality productions.
- 10/21/2024
- by John Hopewell
- Variety Film + TV
Protagonizada por Pablo Chiapella y Raquel Guerrero, y con la cantante Edurne. © Disney
Comienza en Madrid y Bilbao el rodaje de la película El Casoplón, del director Joaquín Mazón y el guionista Roberto Jiménez.
El Casoplón sigue a Toñi, Carlos y sus tres hijos, que están pasando el peor verano de sus vidas; sin vacaciones, encerrados en un piso de 50 metros cuadrados, los dos padres trabajando a tiempo completo… y para colmo, el aire acondicionado se estropea en plena ola de calor. Toñi y los niños convencen a Carlos para pasar la noche en la casa vacía en la que trabaja como jardinero durante un par de semanas. Lo que iba a ser una escapada puntual del bochorno veraniego se convierte en unas vacaciones inolvidables llenas de aventuras, entre mansiones y vecinos famosos, que transformarán para siempre a esta familia y les harán replantearse qué es lo realmente importante para cada uno de ellos.
Comienza en Madrid y Bilbao el rodaje de la película El Casoplón, del director Joaquín Mazón y el guionista Roberto Jiménez.
El Casoplón sigue a Toñi, Carlos y sus tres hijos, que están pasando el peor verano de sus vidas; sin vacaciones, encerrados en un piso de 50 metros cuadrados, los dos padres trabajando a tiempo completo… y para colmo, el aire acondicionado se estropea en plena ola de calor. Toñi y los niños convencen a Carlos para pasar la noche en la casa vacía en la que trabaja como jardinero durante un par de semanas. Lo que iba a ser una escapada puntual del bochorno veraniego se convierte en unas vacaciones inolvidables llenas de aventuras, entre mansiones y vecinos famosos, que transformarán para siempre a esta familia y les harán replantearse qué es lo realmente importante para cada uno de ellos.
- 8/22/2024
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
La película tuvo su estreno mundial en el Festival de Cine de Locarno. © Filmax
Ya se ha publicado el tráiler de la película Rita, ópera prima de Paz Vega, que tuvo su estreno mundial en el 77º Festival de Cine de Locarno.
Rita está ambientada en Sevilla, en junio de 1984. Rita y Lolo son dos hermanos de 7 y 5 años, hijos de una sencilla familia obrera. Comienzan las vacaciones de verano y el país entero está revolucionado con la Eurocopa de fútbol, donde España ha pasado a los cuartos de final. El calor aprieta y Rita sueña con ir a la playa, pero la vida en el barrio le tiene reservadas otras sorpresas…
La película está protagonizada por un elenco de actores en su mayoría andaluces, entre los que se encuentran los niños Sofía Allepuz, Alejandro Escamilla y Daniel Navarro, acompañados de Paz Vega (Lucía y el sexo), Roberto Álamo (Que...
Ya se ha publicado el tráiler de la película Rita, ópera prima de Paz Vega, que tuvo su estreno mundial en el 77º Festival de Cine de Locarno.
Rita está ambientada en Sevilla, en junio de 1984. Rita y Lolo son dos hermanos de 7 y 5 años, hijos de una sencilla familia obrera. Comienzan las vacaciones de verano y el país entero está revolucionado con la Eurocopa de fútbol, donde España ha pasado a los cuartos de final. El calor aprieta y Rita sueña con ir a la playa, pero la vida en el barrio le tiene reservadas otras sorpresas…
La película está protagonizada por un elenco de actores en su mayoría andaluces, entre los que se encuentran los niños Sofía Allepuz, Alejandro Escamilla y Daniel Navarro, acompañados de Paz Vega (Lucía y el sexo), Roberto Álamo (Que...
- 8/21/2024
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
Netflix’s hit Spanish comedy series “Machos Alfa,” “Alpha Males” in English, got the green light for a fourth season in Spain and a fourth international adaptation in Germany, joining other in-production adaptations of the show in France, the Netherlands and Italy.
“Machos Alfa” is the story of four middle-aged friends experiencing midlife crises in parallel as they attempt to adapt to modern sensibilities regarding masculinity. It was created and is written by Alberto and Laura Caballero, Spanish sitcom royalty who both worked on the iconic series “Aquí no hay quien viva” and “La que se avecina.”
The series launched in December 2022 and quickly became one of Spain’s most popular comedy series, where it ranked in Netflix’s top 10 for 13 weeks. Season 2 launched in February of this year, and Season 3 recently wrapped production, although no release date has been announced yet.
Germany’s version of “Machos Alfa,” which is currently untitled,...
“Machos Alfa” is the story of four middle-aged friends experiencing midlife crises in parallel as they attempt to adapt to modern sensibilities regarding masculinity. It was created and is written by Alberto and Laura Caballero, Spanish sitcom royalty who both worked on the iconic series “Aquí no hay quien viva” and “La que se avecina.”
The series launched in December 2022 and quickly became one of Spain’s most popular comedy series, where it ranked in Netflix’s top 10 for 13 weeks. Season 2 launched in February of this year, and Season 3 recently wrapped production, although no release date has been announced yet.
Germany’s version of “Machos Alfa,” which is currently untitled,...
- 7/24/2024
- by Jamie Lang
- Variety Film + TV
Un reparto coral que incluye a Alejo Sauras, Canco Rodríguez y Marta Hazas. © DeAPlaneta
Ya se ha publicado el tráiler de “Hotel Bitcoin”, la película dirigida por Manuel Sanabria (“La Pecera de Eva”) y Carlos ‘Pocho’ Villaverde (“La Fiesta”), y co-escrita por ambos directores junto a Ángela Obón (“4 Estrellas”).
“Hotel Bitcoin” cuenta la historia de un grupo de amigos tiene que sobrevivir durante un fin de semana dentro de un hotel con una cifra descomunal de dinero virtual que custodiar, poniendo a prueba su ingenio.
La comedia está protagonizada por Alejo Sauras (“Solo Química”), Pablo Chiapella (“La que se Avecina”), Canco Rodríguez (“Operación Camarón”), Mauricio Ochmann (“Papá o Mamá”), Marta Hazas (“Culpa Mía”), Leonor Lavado (“Mambo”) y Vanesa Romero (“La que se Avecina”). Completan el reparto Jorge Bosch (“Todos Mienten”), Dani Muriel y Sergio Bezos (Del programa “La Resistencia”).
“Hotel Bitcoin” se estrena en cines el 13 de septiembre.
Ya se ha publicado el tráiler de “Hotel Bitcoin”, la película dirigida por Manuel Sanabria (“La Pecera de Eva”) y Carlos ‘Pocho’ Villaverde (“La Fiesta”), y co-escrita por ambos directores junto a Ángela Obón (“4 Estrellas”).
“Hotel Bitcoin” cuenta la historia de un grupo de amigos tiene que sobrevivir durante un fin de semana dentro de un hotel con una cifra descomunal de dinero virtual que custodiar, poniendo a prueba su ingenio.
La comedia está protagonizada por Alejo Sauras (“Solo Química”), Pablo Chiapella (“La que se Avecina”), Canco Rodríguez (“Operación Camarón”), Mauricio Ochmann (“Papá o Mamá”), Marta Hazas (“Culpa Mía”), Leonor Lavado (“Mambo”) y Vanesa Romero (“La que se Avecina”). Completan el reparto Jorge Bosch (“Todos Mienten”), Dani Muriel y Sergio Bezos (Del programa “La Resistencia”).
“Hotel Bitcoin” se estrena en cines el 13 de septiembre.
- 7/22/2024
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
Una carta de amor a la valentía de la inocencia. © Filmax
La película “Rita”, ópera prima de Paz Vega, ha sido seleccionada para participar en el 77º Festival de Cine de Locarno, donde tendrá su estreno mundial.
“Rita” está ambientada en Sevilla, en junio de 1984. Rita y Lolo son dos hermanos de 7 y 5 años, hijos de una sencilla familia obrera. Comienzan las vacaciones de verano y el país entero está revolucionado con la Eurocopa de fútbol, donde España ha pasado a los cuartos de final. El calor aprieta y Rita sueña con ir a la playa, pero la vida en el barrio le tiene reservadas otras sorpresas…
La película está protagonizada por un elenco de actores en su mayoría andaluces, entre los que se encuentran los niños Sofía Allepuz, Alejandro Escamilla y Daniel Navarro, acompañados de Paz Vega (“Lucía y el Sexo”), Roberto Álamo (“Que Dios nos Perdone”), Paz de Alarcón...
La película “Rita”, ópera prima de Paz Vega, ha sido seleccionada para participar en el 77º Festival de Cine de Locarno, donde tendrá su estreno mundial.
“Rita” está ambientada en Sevilla, en junio de 1984. Rita y Lolo son dos hermanos de 7 y 5 años, hijos de una sencilla familia obrera. Comienzan las vacaciones de verano y el país entero está revolucionado con la Eurocopa de fútbol, donde España ha pasado a los cuartos de final. El calor aprieta y Rita sueña con ir a la playa, pero la vida en el barrio le tiene reservadas otras sorpresas…
La película está protagonizada por un elenco de actores en su mayoría andaluces, entre los que se encuentran los niños Sofía Allepuz, Alejandro Escamilla y Daniel Navarro, acompañados de Paz Vega (“Lucía y el Sexo”), Roberto Álamo (“Que Dios nos Perdone”), Paz de Alarcón...
- 7/10/2024
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
Prime Video is doubling down in Spain with a slate of new movies, drama series, docs and true-crime shows.
The streamer unveiled its latest slate at a Prime Video Presents event in Madrid last night, with thriller feature Zeta, scripted series Cochinas, a trio of unscripted shows and doc La Joia: Bad Gyal. Original series Reina Roja was confirmed for a third season, while live entertainment show Operación Triunfo has also landed a new season.
Ricardo Cabornero, Director at Prime Video in Spain and Portugal, claimed it had been a “record-breaking year” for the service in Iberia as he rolled out the titles.
Spy pic Zeta follows a Spanish Cni agent, Zeta, who is tasked with tracking down a former spy who participated in an undercover mission 35 years before, with a Colombian spook, Alfa, also trying to find him. The other five participants are murdered at the same time at different embassies around the world,...
The streamer unveiled its latest slate at a Prime Video Presents event in Madrid last night, with thriller feature Zeta, scripted series Cochinas, a trio of unscripted shows and doc La Joia: Bad Gyal. Original series Reina Roja was confirmed for a third season, while live entertainment show Operación Triunfo has also landed a new season.
Ricardo Cabornero, Director at Prime Video in Spain and Portugal, claimed it had been a “record-breaking year” for the service in Iberia as he rolled out the titles.
Spy pic Zeta follows a Spanish Cni agent, Zeta, who is tasked with tracking down a former spy who participated in an undercover mission 35 years before, with a Colombian spook, Alfa, also trying to find him. The other five participants are murdered at the same time at different embassies around the world,...
- 7/10/2024
- by Jesse Whittock
- Deadline Film + TV
Una historia de fútbol, superación y amistad. © Netflix
Netflix ha publicado el primer tráiler de su nueva película “El Campeón”, una conmovedora historia ambientada en el mundo del fútbol sobre dos personajes condenados a entenderse.
“El Campeón” sigue a Diego (Serrano), que acaba de ser elegido mejor jugador joven europeo y, con tan solo 20 años, va camino de conseguir que su equipo, el Atlético de Madrid, sea el campeón de Laliga. Pero el club, harto de los excesos de Diego y de su carácter impetuoso y conflictivo, decide contratar a Álex (Rovira), un retraído y solitario profesor de psicología, para que modere su comportamiento. Ninguno de los dos tendrá más remedio que aprender a entender al otro.
La película está dirigida por Carlos Therón y protagonizada por Marcel Serrano (“Mar Afuera”) – también conocido como el rapero Swit Eme – y Dani Rovira. Completan el reparto Pablo Chiapella (“La que se Avecina...
Netflix ha publicado el primer tráiler de su nueva película “El Campeón”, una conmovedora historia ambientada en el mundo del fútbol sobre dos personajes condenados a entenderse.
“El Campeón” sigue a Diego (Serrano), que acaba de ser elegido mejor jugador joven europeo y, con tan solo 20 años, va camino de conseguir que su equipo, el Atlético de Madrid, sea el campeón de Laliga. Pero el club, harto de los excesos de Diego y de su carácter impetuoso y conflictivo, decide contratar a Álex (Rovira), un retraído y solitario profesor de psicología, para que modere su comportamiento. Ninguno de los dos tendrá más remedio que aprender a entender al otro.
La película está dirigida por Carlos Therón y protagonizada por Marcel Serrano (“Mar Afuera”) – también conocido como el rapero Swit Eme – y Dani Rovira. Completan el reparto Pablo Chiapella (“La que se Avecina...
- 7/9/2024
- by Marta Medina
- mundoCine
Portuguese-Spanish echo-drama “Lume,” an Rtp (Portugal), TV Galicia (Spain) and Max pickup, has filled out its Iberian cast.
From the western side of the peninsula, Portuguese Academy Sophia Award-winner Lúcia Moniz, Albano Jerónimo (“The Domain”) and Ricardo Pereira (“Amor Amor”) have all joined the show’s ranks.
Ricardo Pereira, Lúcia Moniz, Albano Jerónimo
The Portuguese trio will be joined by Spanish actors Cristina Castaño (“La que se avecina”) Xúlio Abonjo (“Sin Plomo”) and Alfonso Agra (“Serramoura”).
Cristina Castaño, Xúlio Abonjo, Alfonso Agra
“Lume” was inspired by the increasingly frequent wildfires that have ravaged the Spanish and Portuguese countryside in recent years. In the show, a forest fire endangers a small village on the border between Galicia and Portugal. There, Lucía starts a journalistic investigation of the case that quickly becomes personal. She quickly learns that while a fire can destroy, it can also expose hidden truths.
The show is being...
From the western side of the peninsula, Portuguese Academy Sophia Award-winner Lúcia Moniz, Albano Jerónimo (“The Domain”) and Ricardo Pereira (“Amor Amor”) have all joined the show’s ranks.
Ricardo Pereira, Lúcia Moniz, Albano Jerónimo
The Portuguese trio will be joined by Spanish actors Cristina Castaño (“La que se avecina”) Xúlio Abonjo (“Sin Plomo”) and Alfonso Agra (“Serramoura”).
Cristina Castaño, Xúlio Abonjo, Alfonso Agra
“Lume” was inspired by the increasingly frequent wildfires that have ravaged the Spanish and Portuguese countryside in recent years. In the show, a forest fire endangers a small village on the border between Galicia and Portugal. There, Lucía starts a journalistic investigation of the case that quickly becomes personal. She quickly learns that while a fire can destroy, it can also expose hidden truths.
The show is being...
- 6/24/2024
- by Jamie Lang
- Variety Film + TV
Former Netflix exec Juan Mayne has hung his own shingle, Madrid-based N&l Films, which is bulwarked by strong talent relationships, a strategic alliance with Exile Content and a sure sense of market opportunities for Spain-based independent producers.
Exile Content and N&l Films have struck a first-look development deal. Jeff Glaser, who oversaw Netflix production finance in Mexico City and Madrid, has joined the company.
N&l’s first slate includes a Mexican remake of “Miracle in Cell No. 7,” co-produced by Rock & Ruz and Mexico’s Corazón Films, which will handle distribution in the country, and “Aristides: A Righteous Life,” the true-life account of a Portuguese diplomat who saved thousands from the Nazis in WWII, from Seanne Winslow.
N&l is also in conversations with with Lluis Quilez and Fernando Navarro – director and writer of Netflix Top 10 non-English movie “Below Zero” – to develop a true crime film based...
Exile Content and N&l Films have struck a first-look development deal. Jeff Glaser, who oversaw Netflix production finance in Mexico City and Madrid, has joined the company.
N&l’s first slate includes a Mexican remake of “Miracle in Cell No. 7,” co-produced by Rock & Ruz and Mexico’s Corazón Films, which will handle distribution in the country, and “Aristides: A Righteous Life,” the true-life account of a Portuguese diplomat who saved thousands from the Nazis in WWII, from Seanne Winslow.
N&l is also in conversations with with Lluis Quilez and Fernando Navarro – director and writer of Netflix Top 10 non-English movie “Below Zero” – to develop a true crime film based...
- 5/20/2023
- by John Hopewell
- Variety Film + TV
Elite is headed back to school — sans several cast members! — later this fall, when Season 6 premieres on Friday, Nov. 18, Netflix announced on Monday via the above video.
“After Samuel’s death, Las Encinas faces a new school year trying to have a facelift by covering up disasters of the past,” reads the official synopsis. “However, the conflict in its classrooms is systemic: racism, sexism, domestic abuse or Lgtbi-phobia are just a few of the difficult issues that will run through the hallways of the prestigious institution this season. If those who run the system do not actively take action to address these issues,...
“After Samuel’s death, Las Encinas faces a new school year trying to have a facelift by covering up disasters of the past,” reads the official synopsis. “However, the conflict in its classrooms is systemic: racism, sexism, domestic abuse or Lgtbi-phobia are just a few of the difficult issues that will run through the hallways of the prestigious institution this season. If those who run the system do not actively take action to address these issues,...
- 9/26/2022
- by Vlada Gelman
- TVLine.com
Warner Bros Discovery left Spain out of its clampdown on European original programs for HBO Max, and has now doubled down on the country by ordering a soccer comedy there.
Production is underway in Madrid on Playing Dirty (Monos con Pistola) The seven-part series comes from Jorge Valdano Sáenz and Pablo Tébar and is based on an idea from Carolina Bang and Álex de la Iglesia, whose drama 30 Coins is one HBO Max Europe’s most high-profile originals. The series is produced by Bang and de la Iglesia’s Pokeepsie Films, which is part of Banijay Iberia.
Playing Dirty follows the life of soccer agent Alberto Martín Ruiz, otherwise known as ‘Beto,’ as he leaves the comfortable life of working at a large soccer agency to go it alone and start his own venture. Navigating between his daily delirious struggle with soccer players and his stressful family life, his only solace is his girlfriend,...
Production is underway in Madrid on Playing Dirty (Monos con Pistola) The seven-part series comes from Jorge Valdano Sáenz and Pablo Tébar and is based on an idea from Carolina Bang and Álex de la Iglesia, whose drama 30 Coins is one HBO Max Europe’s most high-profile originals. The series is produced by Bang and de la Iglesia’s Pokeepsie Films, which is part of Banijay Iberia.
Playing Dirty follows the life of soccer agent Alberto Martín Ruiz, otherwise known as ‘Beto,’ as he leaves the comfortable life of working at a large soccer agency to go it alone and start his own venture. Navigating between his daily delirious struggle with soccer players and his stressful family life, his only solace is his girlfriend,...
- 8/23/2022
- by Jesse Whittock
- Deadline Film + TV
Antonia Nava’s Barcelona-based Neo Art Producciones has teamed with Rome’s Pupkin Production to co-produce gay romantic drama “Si las paredes hablasen” (“If Walls Had Ears”), the feature debut of Spanish femme director, Ceres Machado.
Scheduled to roll by this year-end or the first quarter of 2023 in Barcelona and Rome, the film will be produced by Nava and Pupkin’s Rita Rognoni.
Spanish actor Fernando Tejero is attached to star in a cast that will combine Spanish and Italian actors.
Co-written by Machado and scribe Salva Martos Cortés (“Maniac Tales”), “If Walls had Ears” will narrate, in 10 sequences, a Barcelona and Rome-set story of intense love, passion and pain between two men.
They are Juan, a 50 year-old married man who hides his homosexuality, and Leonardo, a 23-year Italian who arrives in Barcelona to try his luck as a soccer player.
Over a decade, they will live their romance, but...
Scheduled to roll by this year-end or the first quarter of 2023 in Barcelona and Rome, the film will be produced by Nava and Pupkin’s Rita Rognoni.
Spanish actor Fernando Tejero is attached to star in a cast that will combine Spanish and Italian actors.
Co-written by Machado and scribe Salva Martos Cortés (“Maniac Tales”), “If Walls had Ears” will narrate, in 10 sequences, a Barcelona and Rome-set story of intense love, passion and pain between two men.
They are Juan, a 50 year-old married man who hides his homosexuality, and Leonardo, a 23-year Italian who arrives in Barcelona to try his luck as a soccer player.
Over a decade, they will live their romance, but...
- 3/24/2022
- by Emiliano De Pablos
- Variety Film + TV
As other European TV giants such as the Rtl Group, Spain’s Atresmedia, owner of the Ott service Atresplayer Premium, is finding the sweet spot between auteur and broad audience shows.
Launched two years ago, Atresplayer Premium boasts fast growth in terms of subscriptions – reaching 400,000 users in Spain alone – and content production volume, readying some 20 new TV projects for this year.
Promoting original voices, the platform is winning international visibility. Iconic original series “Veneno,” created by Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi, “Los Javis,” successfully launched on HBO Max in the U.S. and Latin America, with a strong impact on the international media, which contributed to strengthening the Atresplayer brand.
Now, “Cardo,” from creators and writers Claudia Costafreda and Ana Rujas, executive produced by Los Javis after becoming one of the hottest indie series of last year for TV critics and audiences, is close to an important international distribution deal.
Launched two years ago, Atresplayer Premium boasts fast growth in terms of subscriptions – reaching 400,000 users in Spain alone – and content production volume, readying some 20 new TV projects for this year.
Promoting original voices, the platform is winning international visibility. Iconic original series “Veneno,” created by Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi, “Los Javis,” successfully launched on HBO Max in the U.S. and Latin America, with a strong impact on the international media, which contributed to strengthening the Atresplayer brand.
Now, “Cardo,” from creators and writers Claudia Costafreda and Ana Rujas, executive produced by Los Javis after becoming one of the hottest indie series of last year for TV critics and audiences, is close to an important international distribution deal.
- 2/15/2022
- by Emiliano De Pablos and John Hopewell
- Variety Film + TV
Beta Entertainment Spain is joining forces with Nicely Entertainment, the L.A.-based outfit run by former Gaumont executive Vanessa Shapiro, to produce the TV thriller series project “The Tamer.”
The project, about a serial killer who tames and trains other killers to take down more of their kind, has attached Spain’s Paco Torres (“El vuelo del tren”) as writer, director and showrunner, alongside Mexican director of photography Guillermo Navarro, who won an Academy Award for Guillermo del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth.”
This deal marks an early incursion into the international TV drama production sector by Beta Entertainment Spain, the Madrid-based joint venture launched late last year by European film-tv giant Beta Film and Spanish producer Javier Pérez de Silva.
Bes is conceived as a bridge into the U.S. and Latin American TV markets.
“Partnering with U.S. and Latin American companies was a top priority for us.
The project, about a serial killer who tames and trains other killers to take down more of their kind, has attached Spain’s Paco Torres (“El vuelo del tren”) as writer, director and showrunner, alongside Mexican director of photography Guillermo Navarro, who won an Academy Award for Guillermo del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth.”
This deal marks an early incursion into the international TV drama production sector by Beta Entertainment Spain, the Madrid-based joint venture launched late last year by European film-tv giant Beta Film and Spanish producer Javier Pérez de Silva.
Bes is conceived as a bridge into the U.S. and Latin American TV markets.
“Partnering with U.S. and Latin American companies was a top priority for us.
- 10/14/2020
- by Emiliano De Pablos
- Variety Film + TV
Movie titles produced by top Spanish broadcast network Mediaset España used to spark buzz at the Cannes film market every year, befitting a driving force of the Spanish film industry.
This year, however, like many other top European film production houses, Mediaset España is waiting on the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis to take the next steps in its theatrical release plans.
Films such as Jaume Balaguero’s TF1 Studio-sold “Way Down,” one of the company’s most anticipated titles of the year, is scheduled for a theatrical release this fall; and comedy “Operación Camarón,” handled internationally by Filmax, delayed its Spanish release from March 13 to Sept. 11.
“These are films for which we have strong audience expectations, and we want to protect them until we find the best scenario,” Mediaset España CEO Paolo Vasile said.
Although this year at Cannes virtual market there is no Mediaset España spotlight,...
This year, however, like many other top European film production houses, Mediaset España is waiting on the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis to take the next steps in its theatrical release plans.
Films such as Jaume Balaguero’s TF1 Studio-sold “Way Down,” one of the company’s most anticipated titles of the year, is scheduled for a theatrical release this fall; and comedy “Operación Camarón,” handled internationally by Filmax, delayed its Spanish release from March 13 to Sept. 11.
“These are films for which we have strong audience expectations, and we want to protect them until we find the best scenario,” Mediaset España CEO Paolo Vasile said.
Although this year at Cannes virtual market there is no Mediaset España spotlight,...
- 6/26/2020
- by Emiliano De Pablos
- Variety Film + TV
Just as things in Europe were getting really bad, they’ve gotten a lot worse.
Cinema shutdowns across Europe on Friday, in addition to travel bans and multiple film and TV shoot postponements, have left Europe’s film industry facing a perfect storm — and sent shockwaves across the whole of its movie industry.
They also saw some industry figures crying out for governments to implement measures similar to those put forward by France’s Cnc state film agency on Thursday.
In the latest lockdown, every single cinema theater in Spain closed Friday after Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez declared a state of emergency.
“They should have done it sooner,” said producer-distributor-exhibitor Adolfo Blanco, at A Contracorriente Films, who owns the Verdi and Conde Duque cinema theaters in Spain.
“We just have to hope this won’t last long because costs continue, even with zero revenues. I fear some companies just...
Cinema shutdowns across Europe on Friday, in addition to travel bans and multiple film and TV shoot postponements, have left Europe’s film industry facing a perfect storm — and sent shockwaves across the whole of its movie industry.
They also saw some industry figures crying out for governments to implement measures similar to those put forward by France’s Cnc state film agency on Thursday.
In the latest lockdown, every single cinema theater in Spain closed Friday after Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez declared a state of emergency.
“They should have done it sooner,” said producer-distributor-exhibitor Adolfo Blanco, at A Contracorriente Films, who owns the Verdi and Conde Duque cinema theaters in Spain.
“We just have to hope this won’t last long because costs continue, even with zero revenues. I fear some companies just...
- 3/13/2020
- by John Hopewell, Elsa Keslassy, Christopher Vourlias and Annika Pham
- Variety Film + TV
Latido Films has picked up international sales rights to musical comedy “Explota Explota” (“My Heart Goes Boom!”), a Spanish-Italian co-production, based on the hit songs by Italian singer Raffaella Carrà.
Produced by Mariela Besuievsky at Madrid-based Tornasol Films and Carlotta Calori at Rome’s Indigo Film, the movie marks the feature debut by Uruguayan-Spanish director Nacho Álvarez.
“My Heart” teams two Oscar-winning European companies: “The Secret In Their Eyes” producers Besuievsky and Gerardo Herrero’s Tornasol with Indigo, the shingle behind Paolo Sorrentino’s “The Great Beauty.”
Spanish pubcaster Rtve is also co-producing.
Amazon Prime Video will offer “The Heart” after its theatrical release, which will be handled by Universal Pictures International Spain.
The film went into production in early November and will shoot for eight weeks in Madrid, Pamplona and Rome.
Set in the ’70s, it tells the story of María, played by Ingrid García-Jonsson (“Beautiful Youth”), a young...
Produced by Mariela Besuievsky at Madrid-based Tornasol Films and Carlotta Calori at Rome’s Indigo Film, the movie marks the feature debut by Uruguayan-Spanish director Nacho Álvarez.
“My Heart” teams two Oscar-winning European companies: “The Secret In Their Eyes” producers Besuievsky and Gerardo Herrero’s Tornasol with Indigo, the shingle behind Paolo Sorrentino’s “The Great Beauty.”
Spanish pubcaster Rtve is also co-producing.
Amazon Prime Video will offer “The Heart” after its theatrical release, which will be handled by Universal Pictures International Spain.
The film went into production in early November and will shoot for eight weeks in Madrid, Pamplona and Rome.
Set in the ’70s, it tells the story of María, played by Ingrid García-Jonsson (“Beautiful Youth”), a young...
- 12/3/2019
- by Emiliano De Pablos
- Variety Film + TV
Profiles of major Spanish shows at Mipcom. S: International distribution.
3 Caminos
(Ficción Producciones, Beta Film)
Five friends of different nationalities connect on the St. James Way. An Amazon Prime Vídeo pickup, shooting from February.
S: Beta Film
(Mediaset España, Big Bang Media)
Legal procedural from Verónica Fernández, creator of Netflix’s upcoming “Hache,” about an ex-cop and an ex-con turned criminal lawyer. Acquired by Amazon for worldwide streaming.
S: Mediterráneo Mediaset España Group, Imagina International Sales
The Countryside
(Mediaset España, Contubernio)
Vegan, choral comedy created by Alberto Caballero (“La que se avecina”) Premiered on Amazon Prime Video España then Mediaset España channels.
S: Mediterráneo
Central Market
(Rtve, Diagonal TV)
Serial from producers of post-Civil War soap“Love in Difficult Times.” A slice of life take on workers at a major city market. S: Rtve
Dangerous Moms
(Mediaset España, Mandarina Producciones)
Black comedy series marking Mediaset España’s best fiction release in five years.
3 Caminos
(Ficción Producciones, Beta Film)
Five friends of different nationalities connect on the St. James Way. An Amazon Prime Vídeo pickup, shooting from February.
S: Beta Film
(Mediaset España, Big Bang Media)
Legal procedural from Verónica Fernández, creator of Netflix’s upcoming “Hache,” about an ex-cop and an ex-con turned criminal lawyer. Acquired by Amazon for worldwide streaming.
S: Mediterráneo Mediaset España Group, Imagina International Sales
The Countryside
(Mediaset España, Contubernio)
Vegan, choral comedy created by Alberto Caballero (“La que se avecina”) Premiered on Amazon Prime Video España then Mediaset España channels.
S: Mediterráneo
Central Market
(Rtve, Diagonal TV)
Serial from producers of post-Civil War soap“Love in Difficult Times.” A slice of life take on workers at a major city market. S: Rtve
Dangerous Moms
(Mediaset España, Mandarina Producciones)
Black comedy series marking Mediaset España’s best fiction release in five years.
- 10/14/2019
- by Emiliano De Pablos
- Variety Film + TV
Madrid — Marta Hazas, who has leapt to fame as the absolute lead of “Velvet Collection” – Movistar + first original series which it sold to Netflix – will now star opposite series creator Javier Veiga in “Pequeñas Coincidencias,” a more unusual romantic comedy which marks several new milestones in Spain’s fast evolving high-end production industry.
Produced by Atresmedia Studios, Onza Entertainment and MedioLimón, “Pequeñas Coincidencias” (“Little Coincidences”) is Amazon Prime Video’s first fiction series in Spain. Amazon Prime Video has rights to Spain and Latin America. Otherwise, Onza will sell the world, with Onza’s Gonzalo Sagardia bringing one of the highest-profile of new productions from Spain onto the market at Mipcom.
Onza is in discussions for a U.S. sale on “Pequeñas coincidencias,” Sagardia said.
Spanish free-to-air rights are held by broadcast network Atresmedia, Atresmedia Studios’ parent company.
In a Spanish TV industry whose main challenge, at least for independent producers,...
Produced by Atresmedia Studios, Onza Entertainment and MedioLimón, “Pequeñas Coincidencias” (“Little Coincidences”) is Amazon Prime Video’s first fiction series in Spain. Amazon Prime Video has rights to Spain and Latin America. Otherwise, Onza will sell the world, with Onza’s Gonzalo Sagardia bringing one of the highest-profile of new productions from Spain onto the market at Mipcom.
Onza is in discussions for a U.S. sale on “Pequeñas coincidencias,” Sagardia said.
Spanish free-to-air rights are held by broadcast network Atresmedia, Atresmedia Studios’ parent company.
In a Spanish TV industry whose main challenge, at least for independent producers,...
- 10/11/2018
- by John Hopewell and Emiliano De Pablos
- Variety Film + TV
The James Cameron-produced “Terminator” reboot, Asghar Farhadi’s Cannes opener “Everybody Knows” and Netflix phenomenon “La Casa de Papel” share a common shoot locale: Madrid.
Spain’s main film and TV hub, Madrid is rolling off two key drivers of the country’s content economy: a rising number of big U.S. shoots that take advantage of locations, talent and rebates in the area, and Spain’s booming drama series scene.
With a long litany of international shoots through the decades, both Madrid’s city and region boast an ultra-modern communications infrastructure and usually stable weather.
The launch three years ago of Spanish tax rebates for film and TV projects — tabbed at 20% of spend in Spain’s mainland — is boosting Madrid, as with Spain at large, as an increasingly attractive destiny for foreign shoots.
The Tim Miller-directed “Terminator” reboot — yet to be titled — will partly film for two...
Spain’s main film and TV hub, Madrid is rolling off two key drivers of the country’s content economy: a rising number of big U.S. shoots that take advantage of locations, talent and rebates in the area, and Spain’s booming drama series scene.
With a long litany of international shoots through the decades, both Madrid’s city and region boast an ultra-modern communications infrastructure and usually stable weather.
The launch three years ago of Spanish tax rebates for film and TV projects — tabbed at 20% of spend in Spain’s mainland — is boosting Madrid, as with Spain at large, as an increasingly attractive destiny for foreign shoots.
The Tim Miller-directed “Terminator” reboot — yet to be titled — will partly film for two...
- 5/12/2018
- by Emiliano De Pablos
- Variety Film + TV
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