H:LL! is a perfect example of the corporate, badly written crap that TV is churning our these days, and sets the trend for the way poor television will surely continue. I'm not a prude, I like a bit of cheek, raunch, fun and zaniness in my TV as much as the next guy, but come on! Someone, in the Channel4 office, blatantly said "right - Hollyoaks is successful, lets make a bunch of cash by taking it one step further and putting in on a little later to make it seem naughtier". And what they've churned out is plot less, disgusting garbage. Seriously. It's just horrificness after horrificness with no real reason for any of it and nothing tying it together. It's like taking "American Pie", removing all of the characters you grew to love and hate, and taking away all of the plot so it just travels from man shagging pie to boy drinking semen - it makes no sense! And the acting doesn't help either, despite the fact that they've barely been given a soul, or any decent lines.
I stayed up watching it with a friend just laughing and pointing at its ridiculousness. It's not even camp bad. It's bad.