This is a lesser know independent Canadian film. Only briefly reading the synopsis and seeing that it only features two characters in the film. Also noticed that it is based on a play.
The positives are the acting feels authentic and a lot of the dialogue feels unscripted at times. Both actors do portray their roles decently enough to carry the film.
However the film is certainly too long. Nearly an hour thirty minutes with only two characters and setting around entirely in almost one sole location.
The film is very dialogue driven with a lot of it consisting of these siblings bickering back and forth talking about mainly the sister's past relationships, and some topics about their childhoods.
It does start off relatively intriguing where we see these two characters and are waiting for the inevitable (which one makes the move first). Besides the two characters, there are a lot of phone calls which are picked up by the sister (we don't actually hear the voice of the person on the other end).
We are continually waiting for another person (as suggested by the sister to enter the room but of course no one does). We don't necessarily know if the sister is lying regarding these "clients" coming or not as she mentions a variety of different people.
The film certainly teases a lot with these siblings with the furthest they go is as part of a role play session where they furiously make-out on a chair and as it seemed that they were going further, the phone rings interrupting them. Nearing the finale with the "tie-up" to the bed got rather dull and could have been reduced. It's very clear they both wanted one another, with the brother getting more desperate.
Although the very end we do see them both strip fully nude, lay on the bed briefly with the sister then "piggy-backing" on the brothers back as they go into the bathroom presumably in the shower. The camera then pans to another unrelated scene as it ends.
There are a lot of camera angles and split screens the film uses. In the end this film is nothing more than a bunch of nonsense casual talk with sexual teases waiting for something major to occur (with them going all the way or another character to come into the picture). Surely they could have went "all out" but opted not to.
Certainly about twenty minutes could have been edited down as the pacing got boring and scenes very repetitive.