This game, along with 3D, and Zero Hour, marked the peak of the Duke Nukem franchise as far as I'm concerned.
In this game, an alien species named the Draks are using time travel in their attempt to conquer Earth and exterminate mankind. In the process, they transform Duke's prized motorcycle into a girly bike in their attempt to kill him. So now, Duke must travel through time to stop the Drak, get his bike back, and save humanity.
This title definitely took inspiration from Tomb Raider with its third-person gameplay and stronger focus on platforming and exploration. You'll spend as much time collecting important items as you will slaughtering aliens. This would even set the stage for other titles, such as Zero Hour and Land of the Babes. Sure, Duke isn't as fast or agile as Lara, but he's no less badass. And personally, I found this more fun and engrossing than the more straightforward FPS style of Duke Nukem 3D.
You'll have access to powerful weapons like the Desert Eagle, shotgun, gatling gun, flamethrower, rocket launcher and others. Depending on what time period you're in, you'll also use fitting weaponry, such as a buffalo rifle or crossbow. You'll battle classic enemies, such as Pig Cops and Octobrains, as well as new ones like the aforementioned Drak and Hellwings.
The time travelling aspect of the game was put together quite nicely. You'll jump from modern day Los Angeles to the Old West, the Medieval ages, and finally Ancient Rome. The level aesthetics were good, and the abundance of secret areas presented the opportunity to fully explore and experience whatever time period Duke entered.
The new third-person style wasn't flawless though. The controls were acceptable but could be wonky and frustrating at times. The graphics weren't perfect and could look coarse in certain parts. But still, in the end, this was a great game and worth playing for retrogamers who wish to explore the Duke Nukem franchise before the titular character fell from grace.