Presented in fragmentary form as an "extra" on one of Something Weird/Image Entertainment's two-fer DVDs, WIFE SWAPPERS is generic '60s pornography with a capital G.
Mercifully cut down to perhaps half its original feature length, this junker was original distributed by Emerson Film Enterprises, an indie which had a couple of winners, the classic British drama TWO LIVING, ONE DEAD, and Andy Warhol's favorite sci-fi movie, the inimitable CREATION OF THE HUMANOIDS. But most of its output was garbage, with MANOS, THE HAND OF DEATH just for starters.
WIFE SWAPPERS, not to be confused with a better British film with that moniker, is simply an MOS depiction of an endless party, where square looking guys and some pretty women dance around, drink, and high tail it to bedrooms for some simulated sex. It has no content, and has an insipid voice-over narration doing color commentary on the action - on the level of making fun of what we're watching and "naming" the characters for their quirks.
Other than a chance to see some attractive models go topless, this is devoid of entertainment value. Most of the men look Latin but that isn't even a clue as to what the source of this footage is.
Director Richard Bomont is San Francisco based, and SWAPPERS ends with San Francisco newspaper headlines screaming the fate of its leading lady. In a poorly directed sequence she is attacked by a guy leading to a DIAL M FOR MURDER ripoff self-defense stabbing with a handy scissors. Bomont used the same narrative technique involving Frisco newspapers for his much-better 1964 slasher short film FOLLOW THAT SKIRT (aka THRILL KILLER), not listed in IMDb.