15 reviews
I always thought I was too old to be watching PB&J Otter when it was on, but now I realize that I was only eleven so it was totally fine. I just couldn't turn away from the catchy tunes of the intro or the fun colors of these adorable otters. Why parents would name their children Peanut, Butter, and Jelly is a little beyond me though.
What's really weird is that Peanut is the oldest brother and then his younger sister is named Jelly. They're out of order! Was their mom just hoping that she would have another kid and he would be the perfect shade of yellowy-beige? Because that's what happened. Butter is technically a baby in the show, he wears a diaper and everything. Oh sorry. I guess Butter is a girl. That's going to be an unfortunate name during her high school years. Not that she should be in high school since she's an otter. I find it very convenient that Jelly turned out to be purple. Peanut is red, so unless he's a spicy peanut the color scheme doesn't really work for him.
The Otter family lives on a houseboat (gross) in the middle of Lake Hoohaw among many other houseboated families. The Otter kids had a really cool slide coming out of their room that would shoot them down to the breakfast table. Jealous.
PB&J's mom, Opal, is nice. She has an afro which leads me to believe she's black. Their dad is very nice, normal, and kind which is super unrealistic.
Flick Duck is a good friend of the sibling trio. Flick is nice, sometimes clumsy, and very duck-like. Whenever the gang is in a pickle, they do a "Noodle Dance" to get their brain juices flowing. It's like, why can't you just think? You really have to do a dance? Peanut refuses to dance and by the end his feet start tapping and he can't control himself. This is by far the cheesiest part of the show.
They're also friends with a Beaver named Munchy and a raccoon named pinch.
There is a rich family of poodles that live on the lake. So random. Their kids are Ootsie, Bootsie, and Snootie. I'm going to assume you can figure their personalities out on your own.
This show was really cute and enjoyable. It was actually made by the creator of Doug, so it definitely gets some props. I was always comforted by the simplicity of their lives. Everything was so simple and happy in this show. In my next life I hope I'm an otter.
What's really weird is that Peanut is the oldest brother and then his younger sister is named Jelly. They're out of order! Was their mom just hoping that she would have another kid and he would be the perfect shade of yellowy-beige? Because that's what happened. Butter is technically a baby in the show, he wears a diaper and everything. Oh sorry. I guess Butter is a girl. That's going to be an unfortunate name during her high school years. Not that she should be in high school since she's an otter. I find it very convenient that Jelly turned out to be purple. Peanut is red, so unless he's a spicy peanut the color scheme doesn't really work for him.
The Otter family lives on a houseboat (gross) in the middle of Lake Hoohaw among many other houseboated families. The Otter kids had a really cool slide coming out of their room that would shoot them down to the breakfast table. Jealous.
PB&J's mom, Opal, is nice. She has an afro which leads me to believe she's black. Their dad is very nice, normal, and kind which is super unrealistic.
Flick Duck is a good friend of the sibling trio. Flick is nice, sometimes clumsy, and very duck-like. Whenever the gang is in a pickle, they do a "Noodle Dance" to get their brain juices flowing. It's like, why can't you just think? You really have to do a dance? Peanut refuses to dance and by the end his feet start tapping and he can't control himself. This is by far the cheesiest part of the show.
They're also friends with a Beaver named Munchy and a raccoon named pinch.
There is a rich family of poodles that live on the lake. So random. Their kids are Ootsie, Bootsie, and Snootie. I'm going to assume you can figure their personalities out on your own.
This show was really cute and enjoyable. It was actually made by the creator of Doug, so it definitely gets some props. I was always comforted by the simplicity of their lives. Everything was so simple and happy in this show. In my next life I hope I'm an otter.
I have been watching this show with my daughter for over a year now, and it's delightful. Granted, it is FOR KIDS, but I find myself enjoying the episodes as well. PB&J are good role models, who use their good judgement and proper upbringing to solve problems. They are courteous, kind, and come from a loving household where their parents have rules, yet respect them and their judgement. I like the message this show sends to my daughter, especially about "using your noodle" to figure things out. The characters are endearing, the music is fun, and all the episodes have meaning, and teach valuable lessons--something you don't always find in cartoons anymore. I enjoy this show, along with most of the others done by the creator, Jim Jinkins--he puts out quality shows for kids.
This is a great kid show. Who could forget Peanut Butter and Jelly? The Jokes were funny. The Stories still hold up. Pinch Raccoon is my favorite character. This show started my otter obsession too. Disney needs to put this on Disney Plus or even put it back on tv.
- createwithmeme
- Aug 3, 2022
- Permalink
In case you're wondering, the title of my review comes from the awesome theme song of an equally awesome show. When I was young, PB&J was my favourite show. Although I also liked Little Bear, Sagwa, Wishbone, Bear In The Big Blue House, Maisy, Out Of The Box, Rugrats, DuckTales, Courage The Cowardly Dog, and Gullah Gullah Island to name but a few, I literally had to catch PB&J every day and would sometimes eat my breakfast while watching. I would also dance to the songs in each episode, especially the noodle dance and the theme song. I ended up memorizing the noodle dance, which is very fun to do and listen to. The theme song is very fun and memorable, for me ranking right up there with the Out Of The Box theme song and Moo Mesa theme song as far as being danceable. For some reason I have always enjoyed the different colours, finding them to stimulating. Jelly (big sister) is magenta with purple hair, Peanut (brother) is red, and Butter (baby sister) is beige. The trio also have friends such as Pinch (blue raccoon), Munchy (brown beaver), Flick (white duck), Scootch (grey raccoon), Ootsie (purple poodle), and Bootsie (pink poodle). I also remember how I wanted a slide in my room because of PB&J (PS: I still do).
This is one of the lamest cartoons I have ever seen. The characters are drawn just terrible. Last time when I checked, the otters werent purple or red. The animation is poor, the characters look cheap and too bidimensional and everthing looks like a coloring book colored by someone who is color blind. And all the theme songs goes only like that: Ooo-ooo-oo-de-lay (oodelay), Ooo-ooo-oo-de-lay (oodelay), Doo-doo-day-oh, doo-doo-day-oh for 30 seconds with few others words added into the lyrics. What on Earth is this?!?!? And the noodle dance is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a cartoon ever. Once you leave your mother's womb you are already too old for this toon. This is pure garbage that wont make your kids any smarter. I won't recommend it to anyone.
PB&J Otter wow this show rocks. This Show Is about 3 otter characters and they like to go on awesome adventures. Jelly Otter is funny. Peanut is smart and butter is cute. The animation is great the songs are catchy the stories are awesome and the jokes are cool. So PB&J Otter rocks and so does Spongebob and the simpsons. Alex9920 sucks end of salute.
- pbjotterftw
- Aug 2, 2022
- Permalink
This is a great show for kids 4-6, but I'm a teenager and I love watching the show! The show is funny, you can learn from it, and the characters are really cute and well created! PB & J Otter is done by the same people who created Disney's Doug, which is another great show!
- doug_funnie
- Sep 1, 2000
- Permalink
I still love this show to this day. I was sad this was not on disney plus. This is what cartoons should be more like instead of being gross and stupid where you learned nothing. This show teaches you strong lessons. Like on youtube in SML where they teach kids to be mean or stupid and start violence. I will chose this over jeffy any day because this on the other hand wants to make the world a better place where there is more love less hate like alex9920 i hate that user. There is cute looking character designs and nice artstyles. The noodle dance was great and can get stuck in your head and can teach you great life lessons without being made for money. Can you say the same for paw patrol or baby shark? I dont think so.
Pbandj otter has got to be one of the best shows aired on Playhouse Disney this show is also part of some people's childhoods as well the characters are nice.
- arielsiere
- Mar 9, 2022
- Permalink
I first saw this show when I was visiting my nephews. They watched it online so I decided to watch it with them and I loved it. It was made my the same creator of Doug which I was never a fan of. I am 35 but I love this show. Unlike many kid shows like Dora Cailou Teletubbies or Barney. Even as an adult I can watch it without making me wanna smash the computer. It's a perfect cartoon without talking down to kids.
- kristenhunter-73856
- Aug 3, 2022
- Permalink
PB&J otter is one of the best shows from my childhood. Even now I still like to watch it. While this show it's not a preschooler appeal as Bear in the big blue house or Rolie Polie Olie nowadays. Older kids might appreciate it more. I always listen to the theme song when the show starts. There is a lot of imagination that was thought into this show. I won't be afraid to watch kid shows as a grown-up. I am 23 but I still like kid shows. There are great ones like Arthur sesame street Thomas bob the builder blues clues Curious George cyber chase Backyardigans mister Rodgers VeggieTales bear in the big blue house and rolie polie olie and awful ones like wow wow Wubbzy dora the exploer Barney teleteletubbies boohbah Caillou and worst of all peppa pig. This show teaches good lessons and have a special place in my heart.
Back then I was flipping through channels. I saw this cartoon. The stories while simple is very original. Something is appealing about this show. The characters are so cute and huggable. The humor is basically like the humor you would find on looney tunes. They live in a nice rural area called lake hoo-haw. Everything always worked out in the end and people are nice to each other except for the duck or poodles. The kids are nice to the adults and always respect them. The mayor is very funny as he likes to collect junk. The cutest characters are the otter trio pinch and scootch. There is no violence or inappropriate content. Just fresh and clean with good morals and life lessons. It's not violent or too babyish
So it's good for kids and older kids to watch. I recommend you watch this online. None of the horrible garbage on Cartoon network or Nickelodeon they play nowadays like Teen Titans Go or The Loud House they are garbage.
- christiantuckercom-67806
- Aug 3, 2022
- Permalink
This is a very great show from Playhouse Disney. I got into it in 2020. It's a great show about the three little otters solving a problem by doing a Noodle Dance. Peanut Otter would use his noodle instead of dancing, but during the song he would end up dancing with his sisters named Baby Butter and Jelly. The other Lake Hoohaw members would also join in, such as Pinch, Munchy, Flick, Scootch, Bootsie, Ootsie, Ernest, Opal, and the others. Even better, the songs from this show are great to listen to.
All in all, 10 out of 10 stars. I would definitely recommend watching the show on Disney Plus.
All in all, 10 out of 10 stars. I would definitely recommend watching the show on Disney Plus.
- garfieldatejon
- May 7, 2023
- Permalink
It has a great lesson and it has a great show this is one of the best kid shows ever made it is out of site you just have to watch this TV show it is a wonderful shorw and your family will enjoy watching this amazing show it is outstanding this is the perfect family show you and your kids will enjoy learning this perfect lesson the lesson is to never tell a lie that is a great lesson you will enjoy this amazing family show i like this show a lot and so will you i know so this is a show that you need to watch for sure i like this show a lot and so will you go buy this movie today you want be sorry a bit because this show won a lot a lo a lot of awards now that means this is a good show you have to watch this amazing TV movie it is out of site i think it is have a outstanding day everyone it's not repetitive annoying or shrill like many kid shows that makes you want to leave the room while it plays.
- bangoandblooey
- Apr 28, 2023
- Permalink
This Show is a favorite of my young kids. Every episode teaches a lesson that they can apply in thier own lives. There is nothing of a questionable nature in any of the the shows I have watched with my kids. No need to worry that when you walk out of the room, people will start calling each other "stupid" or being unkind or doing things that you wouldn't want your kids to do. It's positive-there's no negativity shown in this show-just positive learning and my son adores Pb&j otter. He told us one morning that he should think about he should think twice before doing something to someone. It's something he learned on the show. There's a section on recycling and my son now collects blueberries in the garden like the otters and he calls them babbleberries. It's fantastic!!!!!!
I highly recommend pb&j otter.
I highly recommend pb&j otter.
- disneyfanguy
- Apr 28, 2023
- Permalink