Drylongso is an American dialect word that refers to the African American way and experience of going about ordinary life. In this film, however, "ordinary" includes the all-too-common deaths of young Black men. Pica, played by Toby Smith in her only film role, is a young artist from Oakland who photographs young Black men to create a record of them before they die. The pace of violent death in the community is so rapid that she quickly amasses a celluloid reliquary.
This movie serves a social purpose while also documenting the artistic process. It emphasizes the procedural aspects of art - printing invitations to exhibitions, asking permission to take photos, finding spaces to showcase the work - highlighting the necessary over the ecstatic. In this way, it's more honest than most films about an artist's journey.
The love story between Pica and Malik is beautifully depicted, with easy chemistry between the characters. Malik, a winsome young man who sells his own awesome t-shirts, captures Pica's interest. However, there is a sad aspect, Pica refrains from photographing him, fearing it might jinx him, she expects him to die. Pica's friendship with the more well-off Tobi explores the nature of "sistahood" and the impact of male appearance. Toby Smith brings an energy and bounce to her role that makes it surprising she didn't appear in more films. Her presence elevates this movie about a tireless neophyte observer in 90s Oakland, a place full of culture, vibrant colors, politics, music, life, and too much death.
Drylongso is a love story, it is a testament to a time and place, it is a celebration of woozy color combinations, it is a movie about making art, and it is a piece of activism. It should have reached many more eyes.