While the modern, streaming copy of this old film is crystal clear and available in Italian with subtitles, that is probably the best thing I can say about it. Lady Morgans Vengeance is trite, boring and too much like a hundred other movies with the same themes.
This is some bizarre Italian attempt to combine Wuthering Heights with the 1940s classic film Gaslight. I was hoping that would be elegant and interesting but this flick is most notable for its sheer dull mediocrity. Scheming gold diggers drive a young heiress mad (I mean, I cannot understand for the life of me how she didn't figure out that they were whispering to her through the wall) and she comes back to haunt them with a series of unimpressive 1960s special effects.
If it were a better movie overall, I would complain about the spoon-feeding of the narrative in the last twenty minutes or so, but somehow it was unsurprising within the lame confines of this lazy attempt at gothic horror.