The Bloodfist series, at least for the first two entries, was a knockoff of Enter the Dragon that cashed in on the martial arts craze then popular in the home video rental market. By entry #7, the only thing they had in common was Don "The Dragon" Wilson, the "Bloodfist" name just giving it some name recognition/cache. As its own thing, Bloodfist VII: Manhunt was a serviceable entry into the "lone hero takes on institutional corruption" subgenre that was also quite popular in a post-Reagan/post-Bush Sr. World still dealing with the fallout from everything from Iran-Contra to Rodney King. In other words, in that specific historical moment, action cinema --particularly of the indie/low-budget variety-- trended populist and left-of-center. A higher-profile mainstream example of this at the time was Steven Seagal, and this particular film played like that on a smaller scale. Not that an action film's politics really made much difference in the 90's. Did Don Wilson kick a lot of butt? Yes. Did the story move along at a nice pace? Yes. Overall, did this film succeed at its own modest ambitions? Yes. And since this was a Roger Corman production from his 80's/90's heyday producing action movies, was there at least one gratuitous nude scene? Yes.