Have you ever seen that old black and white 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' film? That was a classic. Or did you watch the seventies remake? That was cool, too. Or, perhaps you've seen one of the numerous clones where aliens start replacing humans with identical copies? Well... if you've only seen one of those, I'm going to hazard a guess that any of them was better than 1992's 'Seed People.'
I've kind of already summed up what little plot there is. Aliens, in pod form, come to Earth and start replacing the humans in a small backwater American town with emotionless clones.
The story is kind of told in retrospect as the protagonist is hospitalised right at the beginning and recounting the events of the film to a Government official. Besides kind of giving away much of the ending right at the start, it kind of breaks the tension when it keeps returning to the 'present' at various times during the story.
There's really not much else to say. It has a real 'made for TV' feel - if you like this kind of science fiction then watch either the original 'Bodysnatchers' film or the seventies remake. In fact... even that one with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig is more worth your time than this.
I have to confess in actually quite liking the 'monster design,' but then I grew up with seventies and eighties 'Dr Who' so I have a soft spot for silly rubbery monsters that you can practically see the seams in the costume! Although it's hard to believe that 'special' effects can look this decidedly UNspecial a year after 'Terminator 2' with its genre-changing effects came out.