The story of "Family Matters" is a story about two distinct shows wanting to go on. One show is a down to earth family drama about real life issues. Stuff like gun control, gang violence and getting by in school. Then something happens towards the end of the first season. Laura needs a date to the school dance, so the dad calls up a friend to set her up with a boy named Steve.
This brings us to show #2, the Steve Urkel show. Test audiences and producers loved Jaleel White's Urkel. And quickly the show changed gears to make him the focus. The show's tone also drastically changed. Soon it became a sci-fi show that happened to take place in a family's house. Urkel would invent robots, time machines, teleportation pods and cloning machines.
People are divided on the show. Either they loved the down to earth family drama, or they loved the crazy out there stories with Urkel. It is an interesting show to follow. It is like the way the Fonz took over "Happy Days", but where the Fonz was super cool, Urkel is a super nerd. The show had some all-time great moments, but watching it from beginning to end, there are more duds than you may remember. Was the quality decline of the show to blamed on Jaleel White's character? Or as Urkel would ask..."Did I do that?"