Finally, i've found this movie, just by searching google with keywords ghost, daughter and shoelace :D I'm 26, and like others from my generation who've posted here, this movie somehow gave me an everlasting impression. The only two things I remember from this movie is the shoelace scene, and (Very vaguely though) a scene with a Frisbee? I could swear the name Jennifer was used in that scene, and now, looking at the cast list, I see there really was a Jeniffer character. Creepy...
I wonder why this particular movie has made such a strong impression on people of my age. To bad I don't think it's anywhere to be found. Same problem I have with Fortress (the one with the school class, and the guys with the scary masks). Another movie which I'll never forget, even though it's been well over 12 years since i've last seen it. The same goes for this movie. I've think it's 12/15 years since i've last seen it, en still, the scenes i've mentioned are like yesterday...