Having watched this a couple of times on TV when it came out I have tried to buy my own copy but was unsuccessful. It is now on YouTube and I very much enjoyed watching it again in 2025. The acting is good as is the story which describes the start of British settlement in 1788 through to the early 1800s when Governor Macquarie arrives. Factual elements are interweaved with fictional characters such as the Mannions. I think the scenes of early Sydney were shot in Old Sydney Town which was a theme park built to the north of Sydney. The tensions between the army, convicts and free settlers are well brought out. Patrick Mannion reminds us that the British settled on indigenous land and throughout the series indigenous characters are portrayed living in harmony with the new British settlers. Unfortunately the reality may not have been so benign in this period and the arrival of Governor Macquarie which occurs right at the end of the series resulted in the massacres of indigenous peoples so that settlers could push forward onto their land. A most enjoyable series.