Back in 1958 when Charles Bronson starred in the 'Man With a Camera' series, even at the young age of 10 years, I found something that was both entertaining as well as educational. I had an Uncle who was a semi-professional photographer, who gave me my first camera when I was Seven ( 7 ) yrs. old, a Kodak Brownie Camera, with a flash attachment. I wanted to be in some ways like my Uncle who I admired very much. The Man With a Camera gave me my vision for the future, going places, meeting people, taking great photographs and someday doing my own processing. Now after nearly 53 years later, I still enjoy my first ambition, photography. I ran my own photographic business, doing weddings, portraits, school portraits, and sporting events. In High School I gained a nick name 'flash', because every time there was a school function, out came my camera. As time went on, I graduated from that first brownie camera, to a 35mm, a 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 press camera, to a 4x5 press camera, 120 format camera, 220 format camera, and now even a digital camera. Digital cameras are OK, they are convenient, but I still yearn for my Darkroom, doing the magic of taking a negative and creating a positive image. There is nothing like self-satisfaction in producing an item that is both pleasing to the eye, and elated knowing that I blended both light and image to become something that would be remembered for a life time in a Photograph.
Its too bad that shows of this nature do not exist today. Shows of this nature, can be inspirational. I know, I became inspired to take an avenue that both gave me satisfaction and gratification.