Handsome blond James Franciscus (as Arthur Youngblood Hawke) goes from small town Kentucky truck driver to successful New York City novelist. Nice editor Suzanne Pleshette (as Jeanne Green) desires Mr. Franciscus, but sexually arousing older woman Genevieve Page (as Frieda) turns the sheets in his bed. The problem is that Ms. Page is married to a millionaire and finds it difficult to give up her lifestyle, although Franciscus seems to be the most tempting in a string of hunky young lovers. Both Page's son Pat Cardi and Franciscus' mother Mildred Dunnock walk in on their passionate embraces...
Franciscus and Page are attractive and passionate in this trimmer, happier version of Herman Wouk's novel, but Ms. Pleshette is sadly underused. The story features the typical corrupting influence of life in the fast lane, with a stinging indictment of adultery. "Youngblood Hawke" benefits mostly from beautiful black-and-white photography by Charles Lawton, directed with occasional brilliance by Delmer Daves. In hindsight, the lack of expected Technicolor for this type of film is a plus. In small roles, golden age movie star Mary Astor and glamorous Eva Gabor contribute to the overall glossy look.
****** Youngblood Hawke (11/4/64) James Franciscus, Genevieve Page, Suzanne Pleshette, Mildred Dunnock