And what youngster who didn't recognized the start of the show's theme during the 1960's where the era of James Bond, mini-skirts, and just about every spy show there is to boot?
First off,I am a HUGE fan of this show. My parents didn't understand it. My brother didn't care about it. As for me and my cousin who would thumb through the TV section in the local newspaper to see what time it came on....DEFINITELY YES!!!! WE WOULD NEVER MISS IT!!!!
During my childhood in the late-1960's and early 1970's,this show would come on every weekday afternoon and mostly Saturday mornings and afternoons as well as me and my cousin would be hooked to the TV set to catch what the Thunderbirds would get into next cause with this show you can expect the unexpected. For some,they may say that this show consisted of models and puppets and geared toward children as it target audience.....and in my book.....THEY WERE WRONG! THIS SHOW ROCKS!!!!
For the 32 episodes that ran during its two seasons(which was showed first in Britain and then on American television on NBC-TV which after it went off the air in 1966,its repeats continue way into 1970 and from there into syndication until for the remainder of the decade until it disappear in oblivion during the 1980's and 1990's)this show was not just your typical kiddie fare material but it was so more much. Where else can you see gorgeous ladies in distress,spectacular machinary that was out of this world and was the best part of the show,amazing spy gadgets and outlandish sets of wonder and magical beyond belief,and not to even mention evil villains set out to take over the world and also spellbinding cliffhanging excitement that left you in total amazement.
All presented in brilliant color and Supermarionation!!!!
It was no wonder that when the show went off the air in 1966,the crew made their first ever feature length motion picture of the same title which was an international hit. However,the Thunderbird producers Garry and Sylvia Anderson went on to create not just other animated shows,but produced the live-action feature length film "Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun"(ITC/Universal,1969)and the series "Space:1999"(Syndication, 1975-1978)with former Mission:Impossible stars Barbara Bain and Martin Landau.
However after a lengthly absence,The Technology Channel or Tech-TV has brought back all those wonderful memories from the essence of my childhood which are showed Thursday nights. Great series. Don't miss one breathtaking episode!