It's incredible to see how they managed to get every single aspect of filmmaking so wrong. Even the featured train wreck is a complete train wreck. It's so atrocious that you just keep watching to see if it can get worse - and boy, does it!
Just because this was made in 1928 is no excuse for how virtually unwatchable this picture is. 1928/29 productions from the likes of Von Sternberg, deMille, Arzner, Mamoulian and a few others are still watchable and entertaining today but this - this is so embarrassing you wouldn't want anyone to know you've actually seen it. People in 1929 can only have gone to experience this because of the novelty of seeing a talkie (even though much better alternatives were available). People today should simply avoid this.
The story, dialogue, direction, acting, photography, special effects are all as bad as bad can be. It's hard to which is worst but the story must be number one contender. Amazingly this is actually based on a real play which people actually paid money to see - apparently not a children's play either. It has to be one of the most stupid plots I've ever seen. I know that the police back then didn't have the highest of reputations but even my dog could have figured out what was going on with this bunch of con artists - the thickest bunch of criminals you'll ever see involved in the most unrealistic stupid, stupid racket ever.
If the plot isn't bad enough to make you wonder if you've been given LSD, wait until you've witnessed what Robert Florey considered acting. Yes that really is Edward G and Claudette Colbert but like the great Walter Huston in the equally awful GENTLEMEN OF THE PRESS, this demonstrates that without a director who knew what he was doing, the most talented of actors can appear like five year olds in a school nativity play.
It's also shocking to witness that era's sensitive and caring attitude towards mental health issues. For reasons completely and utterly unexplained, the gang keep "a lunatic" in their basement. Other than screaming like an animal every now and then, he doesn't seem to have any purpose whatsoever in the story. To deal with this inconvenience, someone suggests: Why don't you send him back to the carnival where he belongs? Incredible!
As awful as this is, you can't tear yourself away from this nonsense.