220 reviews
This 1925 silent classic is still impressive, even after seventy-nine years!
Lon Chaney's performance is easily the highlight of the movie. His ghostly movements about his underground lair are haunting even by today's standards.
Use all of the computer generated images you want, but there is no substitute for authentic, old-world macabre. The scene where Erik's face is revealed is still shocking. He seems as horrorified by Christine seeing his face as she is by seeing his face. He seems to feel genuinely violated by her taking his mask off, revealing his horrible visage to the last person on earth he would want to see it. The Technicolor scene of the "Bal Masque" is also quite famous. The backdrops are very effective in creating the moody, medieval atmosphere of the underground passages. All in all, an excellent version of a timeless story.
Lon Chaney's performance is easily the highlight of the movie. His ghostly movements about his underground lair are haunting even by today's standards.
Use all of the computer generated images you want, but there is no substitute for authentic, old-world macabre. The scene where Erik's face is revealed is still shocking. He seems as horrorified by Christine seeing his face as she is by seeing his face. He seems to feel genuinely violated by her taking his mask off, revealing his horrible visage to the last person on earth he would want to see it. The Technicolor scene of the "Bal Masque" is also quite famous. The backdrops are very effective in creating the moody, medieval atmosphere of the underground passages. All in all, an excellent version of a timeless story.
- ACitizenCalledKane
- Dec 5, 2004
- Permalink
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (Universal, 1925), directed by Rupert Julian, from the celebrated novel by Gaston Leroux, stars Lon Chaney, the legendary "man of a thousand faces," in what is hailed to be his most famous movie role, as well as one of the most bizarre presentations of his thousand faces ever shown on screen.
Hailed as a horror movie, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA is actually a mystery tale with added suspense that takes place in a Paris opera house believed to be haunted by a mysterious cloaked figure obsessed by one particular girl, Christine Daae (Mary Philbin), an understudy, whose main interest is her love for Raoul De Chagny (Norman Kerry), her fiancé. Christine keeps hearing a compelling voice behind the walls of her dressing room that gives her encouragement to perform. Her career soon takes a turn for the better when the lead performer is "mysteriously" unable to go on and Christine is called to take her place. The voice later summons Christine to the cellar five flights beyond the opera house where she follows this sinister man whose face is covered with a mask. Although she fears him not, Christine becomes very curious about "The Phantom," but curiosity gets the better of her when she decides to creep up from behind the phantom and remove his mask, only to get the surprise of her life. The Phantom agrees to release Christine from his underground cellar (consisting of a coffin bed where the Phantom sleeps) at a promise that she not only devote herself to her opera singing, but to never see or speak to her fiancé again. Only after Christine has a secret meeting with Raoul during a ball masque does the Phantom, who shadowed her, to make Christine his prisoner of love.
In true Universal fashion, this Gothic presentation has all the elements of a suspense thriller. From its opening shot shows a cloaked figure creeping about the underground cellar of the opera house. The storyline immediately gets down to basics in which there's a discussion amongst the staff regarding a mysterious figure roaming about, followed by the sudden appearance of another mysterious character (Arthur Edmund Carewe) walking about the opera house, saying nothing but observing everything. In between these key scenes leading to the purpose of the movie title, there are ballet and opera sequences inter-cutting the plot, along with a stage hand (Snitz Edwards) supplying some "comic relief.". This being a silent film, the compositions from FAUST cannot be heard, but are usually heard through the underscoring which accompanies the film. Besides the now familiar story and its just famous unmasking sequence, it's Chaney as Erik, the mysterious phantom, with his skull-like appearance, who makes this one of the most intense characters ever played on the screen. The movie, itself, fails to explore the background to Erik's character, as to why does he choose Christine as his selected one. Only late into the story is it realized, through the investigation in the police records by Christine's fiancé, Raoul, that Erik is not only a self-educated musician having escaped imprisonment from Devil's Island, but is actually insane. Other than being insane, he's a genius, for that he has decorated his underground chambers with certain traps, including a room that can fill with water or become filled with intense heat for his intruders. While Erik being insane might explain certain aspects as his intent to kill certain individuals at the opera house (with one scene finding one man left dangling from a noose), but fails to answer the question, "Was Erik born this way or was he a rejected creation of Doctor Frankenstein?"
So popular upon its release, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA was reissued in 1930, a shorter print with added talking sequences and new orchestral score. Universal remade THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA in 1943 with Claude Rains; and in 1962 with Herbert Lom, each performed differently from the Chaney carnation, but with some explained detail to the Phantom's background of character.
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has achieved cult status over the years, due to constant revivals, ranging from theaters to television. It was one of the selected twelve movies shown on public television's 1975 presentation of "The Silent Years", hosted by Lillian Gish. During the era of home video in the 1980s, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA not only became a public domain title, but consisted of various versions and different scores. The Kartes Video Communications print features no scoring but a different opening introducing Raoul de Chagny (Kerry) and his brother, Philippe (John St. Polis), through title cards, and other scenes detailing the character of Carlotta (Virginia Pearson). There's even a conclusion with Christine and Raoul kissing on their honeymoon in Viroflay, a fade-out that's non-existent in most prints. BLACKHAWK Video, later Republic Home Video, included an excellent organ score (by Gaylord Carter) and clear picture quality of 79 minutes, the standard length of many video copies, but excluding the brief honeymoon closing. This similar print can be found from KINO Video.
In one of the Turner Classic Movies cable TV presentations of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA during its weekly Silent Sunday Nights a few years ago, the station, having broadcast with a traditional organ score in years past, presented Halloween night one of the worst reproductions and bad orchestrations ever presented for a silent movie, making this 97 minute version appear endless. Eventually TCM went ahead and a more soothing copy and organ score afterwards.
As it stands, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA can be seen numerous ways on video and DVD (at either 97 minutes or longer with orchestral scoring), but it's Lon Chaney's cloak figure that will remain in lasting memory long after the movie is over. (***)
Hailed as a horror movie, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA is actually a mystery tale with added suspense that takes place in a Paris opera house believed to be haunted by a mysterious cloaked figure obsessed by one particular girl, Christine Daae (Mary Philbin), an understudy, whose main interest is her love for Raoul De Chagny (Norman Kerry), her fiancé. Christine keeps hearing a compelling voice behind the walls of her dressing room that gives her encouragement to perform. Her career soon takes a turn for the better when the lead performer is "mysteriously" unable to go on and Christine is called to take her place. The voice later summons Christine to the cellar five flights beyond the opera house where she follows this sinister man whose face is covered with a mask. Although she fears him not, Christine becomes very curious about "The Phantom," but curiosity gets the better of her when she decides to creep up from behind the phantom and remove his mask, only to get the surprise of her life. The Phantom agrees to release Christine from his underground cellar (consisting of a coffin bed where the Phantom sleeps) at a promise that she not only devote herself to her opera singing, but to never see or speak to her fiancé again. Only after Christine has a secret meeting with Raoul during a ball masque does the Phantom, who shadowed her, to make Christine his prisoner of love.
In true Universal fashion, this Gothic presentation has all the elements of a suspense thriller. From its opening shot shows a cloaked figure creeping about the underground cellar of the opera house. The storyline immediately gets down to basics in which there's a discussion amongst the staff regarding a mysterious figure roaming about, followed by the sudden appearance of another mysterious character (Arthur Edmund Carewe) walking about the opera house, saying nothing but observing everything. In between these key scenes leading to the purpose of the movie title, there are ballet and opera sequences inter-cutting the plot, along with a stage hand (Snitz Edwards) supplying some "comic relief.". This being a silent film, the compositions from FAUST cannot be heard, but are usually heard through the underscoring which accompanies the film. Besides the now familiar story and its just famous unmasking sequence, it's Chaney as Erik, the mysterious phantom, with his skull-like appearance, who makes this one of the most intense characters ever played on the screen. The movie, itself, fails to explore the background to Erik's character, as to why does he choose Christine as his selected one. Only late into the story is it realized, through the investigation in the police records by Christine's fiancé, Raoul, that Erik is not only a self-educated musician having escaped imprisonment from Devil's Island, but is actually insane. Other than being insane, he's a genius, for that he has decorated his underground chambers with certain traps, including a room that can fill with water or become filled with intense heat for his intruders. While Erik being insane might explain certain aspects as his intent to kill certain individuals at the opera house (with one scene finding one man left dangling from a noose), but fails to answer the question, "Was Erik born this way or was he a rejected creation of Doctor Frankenstein?"
So popular upon its release, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA was reissued in 1930, a shorter print with added talking sequences and new orchestral score. Universal remade THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA in 1943 with Claude Rains; and in 1962 with Herbert Lom, each performed differently from the Chaney carnation, but with some explained detail to the Phantom's background of character.
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has achieved cult status over the years, due to constant revivals, ranging from theaters to television. It was one of the selected twelve movies shown on public television's 1975 presentation of "The Silent Years", hosted by Lillian Gish. During the era of home video in the 1980s, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA not only became a public domain title, but consisted of various versions and different scores. The Kartes Video Communications print features no scoring but a different opening introducing Raoul de Chagny (Kerry) and his brother, Philippe (John St. Polis), through title cards, and other scenes detailing the character of Carlotta (Virginia Pearson). There's even a conclusion with Christine and Raoul kissing on their honeymoon in Viroflay, a fade-out that's non-existent in most prints. BLACKHAWK Video, later Republic Home Video, included an excellent organ score (by Gaylord Carter) and clear picture quality of 79 minutes, the standard length of many video copies, but excluding the brief honeymoon closing. This similar print can be found from KINO Video.
In one of the Turner Classic Movies cable TV presentations of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA during its weekly Silent Sunday Nights a few years ago, the station, having broadcast with a traditional organ score in years past, presented Halloween night one of the worst reproductions and bad orchestrations ever presented for a silent movie, making this 97 minute version appear endless. Eventually TCM went ahead and a more soothing copy and organ score afterwards.
As it stands, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA can be seen numerous ways on video and DVD (at either 97 minutes or longer with orchestral scoring), but it's Lon Chaney's cloak figure that will remain in lasting memory long after the movie is over. (***)
Lon Chaney was the first of the long line of Phantoms and the one against whom all his successors had to be measured
The story, despite all its alternatives, is the familiar one of the musician avoiding the world because of his disfigurement and retreating to a hideout beneath the Opera House, from where he emerges to terrorize singers and audience alike
He kidnaps a young girl singer perhaps to teach her to become a great star; certainly because, in his grotesque and pathetic way, he loves her and carries her off to a boudoir he has prepared far underground
There was melodrama in plenty: in the first version, for example, two would-be rescuers found themselves trapped in an uncomfortable mirrored room the Phantom had prepared, where they first got a heat treatment and then were flooded
But, beyond all the heightened effects, it was the pathos of the Phantom underscoring his lonely menace which gave the character a dimension, and the isolation of the captor and his captive, imprisoned to a literal underworld, which gave the suspense of the whole film its power
The story, despite all its alternatives, is the familiar one of the musician avoiding the world because of his disfigurement and retreating to a hideout beneath the Opera House, from where he emerges to terrorize singers and audience alike
He kidnaps a young girl singer perhaps to teach her to become a great star; certainly because, in his grotesque and pathetic way, he loves her and carries her off to a boudoir he has prepared far underground
There was melodrama in plenty: in the first version, for example, two would-be rescuers found themselves trapped in an uncomfortable mirrored room the Phantom had prepared, where they first got a heat treatment and then were flooded
But, beyond all the heightened effects, it was the pathos of the Phantom underscoring his lonely menace which gave the character a dimension, and the isolation of the captor and his captive, imprisoned to a literal underworld, which gave the suspense of the whole film its power
- Nazi_Fighter_David
- Apr 26, 2005
- Permalink
Chaney is best known today for two roles: Quasimodo in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," and Erik in "The Phantom of the Opera." The pair contrast the human response to physical deformity. While Quasimodo searches for kindness and acts to protect his home and loved ones, Erik shuns humanity and in his hatred and isolation becomes truly evil.
Christine Daae (Mary Philbin) is the understudy at the Paris Opera house, an ancient structure built over a network of torture chambers and interconnecting cellars. Rumors abound of a ghost or phantom who stalks the halls, and even rents his own box for the performances. With the help of this mysterious stranger, Daae becomes the lead diva.
Daae, apparently fine with her benefactor's use of extortion and mass murder to help her career, dumps her boyfriend Raoul (Norman Kerry) and follows the masked Phantom into the bowels of the opera house. She is, however, sensitive enough to collapse in a faint at the discovery that her benefactor is the legendary Phantom, and at his profession of love for her.
Awakening, she discovers herself in a lavish bedroom he has prepared for her, with her name engraved on a hand mirror. But upon snatching off the Phantom's mask, she realizes that he isn't Prince Charming after all, but hideously deformed, with a skull-like face.
The Phantom returns her to the opera, telling her that she must never see Raoul again. Upon reflection, however, Christine decides that looks and sanity are more important to her in a lover than she originally thought, and makes plans to meet Raoul at the annual masked ball. Raoul, neither particularly brave or smart, suggests that the two of them hightail it out of town. Christine, not one to run before her chance at the big time, suggests that they flee after the following evening's performance. Erik, of course, is listening in.
At that point Erik drops his nice-guy facade, hangs a stagehand who discovers his trap door, kidnaps Christine and flees into the cellars. He is hotly pursued by Raoul and a Secret Police inspector, who are followed by Raoul's brother, who is followed by angry mob led by the murdered stagehand's brother.
Erik, meanwhile, is trying to convince Christine of his capacity to reform ("No longer like a toad in these foul cellars will I secrete the venom of hatred -- for you shall bring me love!"). Alas, his plans to become a good husband are interrupted by the need to bump off a few of his pursuers, using elaborate boody traps and alarms throughout the dungeons.
The final minute of the movie is perhaps the best, with Erik's final gesture proving that his mental ability far outweighs that of anyone else in the film. He goes out in style, leaving the dim-witted Raoul and his amoral girlfriend to live happily ever after.
The two best things are Chaney's over-the-top performance as Erik and the spectacular sets. Chaney had a way of making any other actors in a film appear flat and lifeless, and this is no exception. The elaborate set of the opera house and the gothic appearance of the dungeons are still impressive, and the tinting and two-strip technicolor in the Bal Masque sequence look great.
"Phantom" is rousing horror/adventure, while "Hunchback" was a touching allegorical film. The latter is better and more serious, but "Phantom" is still some of the most fun it's possible to have before a movie screen.
Christine Daae (Mary Philbin) is the understudy at the Paris Opera house, an ancient structure built over a network of torture chambers and interconnecting cellars. Rumors abound of a ghost or phantom who stalks the halls, and even rents his own box for the performances. With the help of this mysterious stranger, Daae becomes the lead diva.
Daae, apparently fine with her benefactor's use of extortion and mass murder to help her career, dumps her boyfriend Raoul (Norman Kerry) and follows the masked Phantom into the bowels of the opera house. She is, however, sensitive enough to collapse in a faint at the discovery that her benefactor is the legendary Phantom, and at his profession of love for her.
Awakening, she discovers herself in a lavish bedroom he has prepared for her, with her name engraved on a hand mirror. But upon snatching off the Phantom's mask, she realizes that he isn't Prince Charming after all, but hideously deformed, with a skull-like face.
The Phantom returns her to the opera, telling her that she must never see Raoul again. Upon reflection, however, Christine decides that looks and sanity are more important to her in a lover than she originally thought, and makes plans to meet Raoul at the annual masked ball. Raoul, neither particularly brave or smart, suggests that the two of them hightail it out of town. Christine, not one to run before her chance at the big time, suggests that they flee after the following evening's performance. Erik, of course, is listening in.
At that point Erik drops his nice-guy facade, hangs a stagehand who discovers his trap door, kidnaps Christine and flees into the cellars. He is hotly pursued by Raoul and a Secret Police inspector, who are followed by Raoul's brother, who is followed by angry mob led by the murdered stagehand's brother.
Erik, meanwhile, is trying to convince Christine of his capacity to reform ("No longer like a toad in these foul cellars will I secrete the venom of hatred -- for you shall bring me love!"). Alas, his plans to become a good husband are interrupted by the need to bump off a few of his pursuers, using elaborate boody traps and alarms throughout the dungeons.
The final minute of the movie is perhaps the best, with Erik's final gesture proving that his mental ability far outweighs that of anyone else in the film. He goes out in style, leaving the dim-witted Raoul and his amoral girlfriend to live happily ever after.
The two best things are Chaney's over-the-top performance as Erik and the spectacular sets. Chaney had a way of making any other actors in a film appear flat and lifeless, and this is no exception. The elaborate set of the opera house and the gothic appearance of the dungeons are still impressive, and the tinting and two-strip technicolor in the Bal Masque sequence look great.
"Phantom" is rousing horror/adventure, while "Hunchback" was a touching allegorical film. The latter is better and more serious, but "Phantom" is still some of the most fun it's possible to have before a movie screen.
- The-Silent-Photoplayer
- Jun 27, 2003
- Permalink
"The Phantom of the Opera" is a tale that's been oft told, but all too often it's told poorly. The story--a grand melodrama, like much of opera itself--requires a fine balance of terror and tragedy, with perhaps a bit of camp humor to lighten the proceedings, and finding the right tone is a task which has defeated many a director and actor. But it can be done, as this first of the many film incarnations proves.
For anyone needing an overview of Gaston Leroux's tale, the premise is briefly thus: during the latter decades of the Victorian Era, the great Paris Opera is troubled with whispers of a ghost--a frightening specter which visits misfortune on the company should they fail to please him. Up-and-coming singer Christine Daae (Mary Philbin), meanwhile, is more preoccupied with her singing tutor--a disembodied voice she believes to be an emissary from her dead father, who guides her to new heights but demands she put her music above all else, including and especially her handsome childhood sweetheart Raoul (Norman Kerry). Neither Phantom nor tutor is a spirit in truth, but are two different sides of the same man--a horribly disfigured, unnaturally gifted, and frighteningly passionate man, but a man nonetheless.
Despite dated acting techniques and some extremely overwrought title cards ("You must save me, Raoul--oh, save me!" Christine pleads at one point), the silent film version of "Phantom" has held up remarkably well, thanks to some evocative scenes and an unforgettable turn by Lon Chaney in the title role. The moment when the Phantom, driven by his all-consuming desire for Christine, lures the girl into his home beneath the Opera is every bit as eerie and compelling as it should be. An Escher-like series of ramps descends into the earth, leading to the sort of black subterranean lake Charon would feel at home on, and an underground apartment that seems fairly normal, until you see the coffin in the master bedroom and the mirrored torture chamber adjoining.
Any version of "Phantom," though, lives or dies by its title character, and Chaney does not disappoint. Even in his early scenes, where he appears almost solely as a shadow on the wall, he has a remarkable presence, his gestures expressive and elegant in silhouette. The audience first sees him in physical form as Christine first sees him--a masked and cloaked figure, disturbing yet with an aura of weary sadness about him. When that mask finally comes off in the film's landmark scene, Chaney's makeup genius is instantly in evidence. The wild-eyed, cadaverous skull remains the most frightening interpretations of the Phantom's disfigurement, and also the one which hews closest to Leroux's description. (To be fair, it's doubtful Chaney's makeup would have been practical in a sound film; the distortions of his nose and mouth would have made speaking--and singing--very difficult indeed.) The movie's greatest weakness is its ending, a chase scene (complete with the standard Angry Torch-Bearing Mob) that feels wedged in, probably because that's precisely what it is. The original ending stuck with Leroux's novel, where the Phantom, moved by Christine's compassion, releases her to marry her young suitor--but the first audiences, apparently not as empathetic for the character as his creator was, found this ending an unsatisfying one. Unfortunately, the current resolution denies the Phantom the redemption which has been a major part of his appeal to modern audiences, and one wishes that we had an opportunity to see Chaney portray it. But on the whole, this is a "Phantom" that remains head and shoulders above its many film successors.
For anyone needing an overview of Gaston Leroux's tale, the premise is briefly thus: during the latter decades of the Victorian Era, the great Paris Opera is troubled with whispers of a ghost--a frightening specter which visits misfortune on the company should they fail to please him. Up-and-coming singer Christine Daae (Mary Philbin), meanwhile, is more preoccupied with her singing tutor--a disembodied voice she believes to be an emissary from her dead father, who guides her to new heights but demands she put her music above all else, including and especially her handsome childhood sweetheart Raoul (Norman Kerry). Neither Phantom nor tutor is a spirit in truth, but are two different sides of the same man--a horribly disfigured, unnaturally gifted, and frighteningly passionate man, but a man nonetheless.
Despite dated acting techniques and some extremely overwrought title cards ("You must save me, Raoul--oh, save me!" Christine pleads at one point), the silent film version of "Phantom" has held up remarkably well, thanks to some evocative scenes and an unforgettable turn by Lon Chaney in the title role. The moment when the Phantom, driven by his all-consuming desire for Christine, lures the girl into his home beneath the Opera is every bit as eerie and compelling as it should be. An Escher-like series of ramps descends into the earth, leading to the sort of black subterranean lake Charon would feel at home on, and an underground apartment that seems fairly normal, until you see the coffin in the master bedroom and the mirrored torture chamber adjoining.
Any version of "Phantom," though, lives or dies by its title character, and Chaney does not disappoint. Even in his early scenes, where he appears almost solely as a shadow on the wall, he has a remarkable presence, his gestures expressive and elegant in silhouette. The audience first sees him in physical form as Christine first sees him--a masked and cloaked figure, disturbing yet with an aura of weary sadness about him. When that mask finally comes off in the film's landmark scene, Chaney's makeup genius is instantly in evidence. The wild-eyed, cadaverous skull remains the most frightening interpretations of the Phantom's disfigurement, and also the one which hews closest to Leroux's description. (To be fair, it's doubtful Chaney's makeup would have been practical in a sound film; the distortions of his nose and mouth would have made speaking--and singing--very difficult indeed.) The movie's greatest weakness is its ending, a chase scene (complete with the standard Angry Torch-Bearing Mob) that feels wedged in, probably because that's precisely what it is. The original ending stuck with Leroux's novel, where the Phantom, moved by Christine's compassion, releases her to marry her young suitor--but the first audiences, apparently not as empathetic for the character as his creator was, found this ending an unsatisfying one. Unfortunately, the current resolution denies the Phantom the redemption which has been a major part of his appeal to modern audiences, and one wishes that we had an opportunity to see Chaney portray it. But on the whole, this is a "Phantom" that remains head and shoulders above its many film successors.
Analyzing an old silent movie using nowadays standards wouldn't be fair: the medium is too different, the acting performances require a different perspective, and when you watch it you find yourself enjoying the movie much like you would do with a painting. This is especially true for the classic The Phantom of the Opera, a movie that gets you lost in the images more than in the story itself.
Lon Chaney gives a good portrayal of the phantom, yet somewhat different from what was portrayed in later efforts with the same subject: his character comes off more like a cold blooded than a somewhat likeable character. What shines in this movie is the visual impact: the costumes are really nice, and the gothic scenery is perfect. The best scene of them all has to be the Red Death one, appropriately shot in a painting-like color, definitely one of the most beautiful images offered by old cinema.
Sure, the movie is hardly gonna provide any scares by now, and the story has been told many times. However, this is a primary example of how old cinema can still offer a very worthy experience.
Lon Chaney gives a good portrayal of the phantom, yet somewhat different from what was portrayed in later efforts with the same subject: his character comes off more like a cold blooded than a somewhat likeable character. What shines in this movie is the visual impact: the costumes are really nice, and the gothic scenery is perfect. The best scene of them all has to be the Red Death one, appropriately shot in a painting-like color, definitely one of the most beautiful images offered by old cinema.
Sure, the movie is hardly gonna provide any scares by now, and the story has been told many times. However, this is a primary example of how old cinema can still offer a very worthy experience.
- b-a-h TNT-6
- Jun 9, 2001
- Permalink
One of the most eminent horror films ever made and perhaps even the most famous silent horror movie from that time. Lon Chaney starred in over 150 films (most of them silent ones) but he'll always be remembered best for his personification of Erik, the Phantom. And justified! Even though this role was played by many respectable actors afterwards (like Claude Rains, Herbert Lom and Robert Englund) Lon Chaney is and remains the one and only Phantom of the Opera. The film itself is depressing and dark, with terrific photography and settings. Deep down the catacombs of the Parisian Opera building, the phantom reigns in forgotten dungeons and underground lakes. After all these years of dwelling in the opera, he has fallen in love with the unsuccessful singer, Christine. He helps her career a little and threatens to kill the prominent singer Carlotta if she doesn't hand over the her role in Faust to Christine. The until then unknown singer is thankful and meets her `master' in the catacombs. Her appreciation soon turns into fear when she finds out her benefactor is the horribly scarred Phantom of the Opera. The biggest difference between this first version and the later remakes lies in the roots of the Phantom. Here, Erik is said to be an escaped madman whereas he merely only was a hurt romanticist in later versions. His deformed appearance isn't explained and neither is shown how he falls for the beautiful, shy Christine.
At least 3 sequences in the 1925 Phantom of the Opera are legendary and still astonishing after almost 80 years. The masked bal, which the Phantoms attends as the `Red Death' is an outstanding horror sequence and truly atmospheric. The grimaces of Chaney seem to look right through the other partygoers and his search for Christine is relentless. Immediately after this scene, the crew moves to the roof of the Opera building and Chaney takes place on top of the Apollo statue. A breathtaking piece of early cinema that stands the test of time like no other. The climax of Phantom of the Opera is an extended series of chasings and battues, resulting in the dramatic (and gruesome) death of our protagonist. Rupert Julian's classic silent has got everything! An actor capable of carrying the toughest role ever written, beautiful scenery, real-life drama, sentiment and romance. And last but not least an unbearable tension Throughout the entire film, you're looking at it with your eyes wide open.
At least 3 sequences in the 1925 Phantom of the Opera are legendary and still astonishing after almost 80 years. The masked bal, which the Phantoms attends as the `Red Death' is an outstanding horror sequence and truly atmospheric. The grimaces of Chaney seem to look right through the other partygoers and his search for Christine is relentless. Immediately after this scene, the crew moves to the roof of the Opera building and Chaney takes place on top of the Apollo statue. A breathtaking piece of early cinema that stands the test of time like no other. The climax of Phantom of the Opera is an extended series of chasings and battues, resulting in the dramatic (and gruesome) death of our protagonist. Rupert Julian's classic silent has got everything! An actor capable of carrying the toughest role ever written, beautiful scenery, real-life drama, sentiment and romance. And last but not least an unbearable tension Throughout the entire film, you're looking at it with your eyes wide open.
Those unaccustomed to the vagaries of cinema during its infancy may struggle with The Phantom Of The Opera's overtly theatrical acting, which in this case seems to be even more exaggerated than your average silent movie (I know I struggled at times with the actors' extravagant body movements and OTT facial expressions, some of which border on the ridiculous); however, no matter how cringe-worthy these exaggerated melodramatic performances might be at times, Rupert Julian's 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera is still a worthwhile effort thanks to loads of breathtaking visuals, a memorable performance from Lon Chaney as 'phantom' Erik, and in the version I saw (the 1929 re-issue, I believe), a rousing orchestral score that perfectly complements the imagery.
Blessed with excellent production values, superb set design and bold lighting, Phantom is a delight to behold, a visual feast that compensates for its cast's often laughable histrionics with several truly iconic moments: beautiful opera star Christina snatches the mask from ghoulish 'phantom' Erik as he plays the organ, revealing his hideously disfigured face; perched high atop a Gothic statue, cape billowing wildly in the wind, Erik watches in silent rage as Christina plans to run away with her lover; his face hidden by a grinning skull mask, Erik pursues Christina through the crowds at a masquerade ball; like Charon ferrying the dead across the river Styx, 'the phantom' guides his boat silently across an underground lake, Christina the unwilling passenger.
Blessed with excellent production values, superb set design and bold lighting, Phantom is a delight to behold, a visual feast that compensates for its cast's often laughable histrionics with several truly iconic moments: beautiful opera star Christina snatches the mask from ghoulish 'phantom' Erik as he plays the organ, revealing his hideously disfigured face; perched high atop a Gothic statue, cape billowing wildly in the wind, Erik watches in silent rage as Christina plans to run away with her lover; his face hidden by a grinning skull mask, Erik pursues Christina through the crowds at a masquerade ball; like Charon ferrying the dead across the river Styx, 'the phantom' guides his boat silently across an underground lake, Christina the unwilling passenger.
- BA_Harrison
- Mar 31, 2011
- Permalink
Lon Chaney, Sr. gives a legendary performance as well as making an everlasting horrifying spectacle of himself. The make-up and elaborate sets are truly to be held in awe, even by today's standards. The rare use of two-strip Technicolor brings dazzling effect to the incomparable masquerade ball scene. Sit back and enjoy the silent and definitive film version of a classic monster fable that sound, technology and time have yet to top. 8 Stars
The Phantom of the Opera tells the classic story of a deranged disfigured from birth musician who lives underneath the Paris Opera House and has an unhealthy obsession with Christine Daae, a back up singer. He makes constant demands to have her career pushed forward, and if the demands are ignored, he causes devastation to the opera house. The managers see him as a phantom haunting the Opera House. Christine believes he is the Angel of Music sent by her dead father to look over her. This is the most entertaining silent film there is.
In an age where all movies are flashy and CGI loaded, it's good sometimes to sit down and view a classic silent film where everything was done for real. For the time, the special effects and make-up are very good, and the story is as dark as it can be. This movie is the closest to Gaston Leroux's novel, but that's a bit of a downfall too. The lines are almost identical to the book, so the dialogue is really corny in some scenes. What I like the best about the movie was the ending. The ending is very brutal by 1920s standards, and I thought it was great.
I can't comment on the acting much, because to me, 1920s acting is all the same. However, I can say that Lon Chaney did a good job as always playing a weird and twisted character.
Overall, this is the most entertaining silent film there is, and it's worth a viewing from people who want to see the classics.
In an age where all movies are flashy and CGI loaded, it's good sometimes to sit down and view a classic silent film where everything was done for real. For the time, the special effects and make-up are very good, and the story is as dark as it can be. This movie is the closest to Gaston Leroux's novel, but that's a bit of a downfall too. The lines are almost identical to the book, so the dialogue is really corny in some scenes. What I like the best about the movie was the ending. The ending is very brutal by 1920s standards, and I thought it was great.
I can't comment on the acting much, because to me, 1920s acting is all the same. However, I can say that Lon Chaney did a good job as always playing a weird and twisted character.
Overall, this is the most entertaining silent film there is, and it's worth a viewing from people who want to see the classics.
- theshadow908
- Jun 25, 2006
- Permalink
The classic tale of a disfigured composer who falls in love with a beautiful singer has been told many times but only once has the phantom been beautifully portrayed like the way Lon Chaney did. It was an elaborate 1925 Universal production that is legendary. The film is in my opinion the greatest silent movie I have ever seen. It is creepy, yet enticing and the production value is astounding, especially the chandelier scene. The scene that truly steals the cake is when the mask is unveiled, to what is considered the most shocking scene ever done in a silent movie. The color ballroom scene when the phantom is red death is truly uncanny, but the scene after where he is agonizing on top of the opera house with his cape blowing and tons of emotions are being expressed while his red cape is blowing in the air and he is the only color in the scene. This movie was among 400 others that were nominated or AFI's top 100 movies, but did not make it. Whether you believe it should or should not, Phantom of the Opera is a sight to behold and the Phantom of the Opera will always be here inside all of our minds.
- pitsburghfuzz
- Oct 26, 2009
- Permalink
This movie is no doubt one of the all-time grand productions of the silent era--not to mention one of the more memorable, due in very large part to the talents of Lon Chaney Sr., who created one of the most memorable visages in all of filmdom as Erik the Phantom. But is "The Phantom of the Opera" a truly great movie? I would say parts of it are great, or at least memorable.
We all know about the "unmasking scene", which still packs a jolt 80 years after it was filmed. Erik's indignation as he points his accusing finger at the woman who violated his privacy, so to speak, turns to a mad sort of glee as he forces her to look upon his face ("feast your eyes--glut your soul on my accursed ugliness") and seemingly just as quickly he turns away from her, knowing now that Christine has seen what's under the mask, his love will go on unrequited. That Chaney can win sympathy for such a hideous man is a testament to his talent.
On the flipside, there's the sequence with the chandelier, that seems to take forever building up to & when it finally does come crashing down, it's all over too quickly. As the picture moves towards its climax, you may start to wonder how indeed Erik managed to stay hidden for so many years. Before the movie is over, it seems like all of Paris is beating down his door trying to get at him. Did Erik start marking his trapdoors with X's?
Overall, I might be inclined to call this more of a great spectacle than film--a "spectacle" however that can still entertain and provide more than a few indelible memories.
We all know about the "unmasking scene", which still packs a jolt 80 years after it was filmed. Erik's indignation as he points his accusing finger at the woman who violated his privacy, so to speak, turns to a mad sort of glee as he forces her to look upon his face ("feast your eyes--glut your soul on my accursed ugliness") and seemingly just as quickly he turns away from her, knowing now that Christine has seen what's under the mask, his love will go on unrequited. That Chaney can win sympathy for such a hideous man is a testament to his talent.
On the flipside, there's the sequence with the chandelier, that seems to take forever building up to & when it finally does come crashing down, it's all over too quickly. As the picture moves towards its climax, you may start to wonder how indeed Erik managed to stay hidden for so many years. Before the movie is over, it seems like all of Paris is beating down his door trying to get at him. Did Erik start marking his trapdoors with X's?
Overall, I might be inclined to call this more of a great spectacle than film--a "spectacle" however that can still entertain and provide more than a few indelible memories.
- simeon_flake
- Jun 1, 2005
- Permalink
- strong-122-478885
- Sep 12, 2014
- Permalink
My goodness...close to fifty years ago I saw this film in the company of its leading lady, Mary Philbin. She was a friend of an unforgettable lady our family had met when we moved from New England to southern California. Our mutual friend was constantly prodding Miss Philbin, who had become quite reclusive after retiring from the screen, to get out and enjoy life. (They took a trip to Europe one summer, for instance.) One evening she persuaded Mary, who was extremely reluctant, by the way, to accompany us to the silent movie theater on Fairfax Ave., not far from Hollywood Blvd. and the site of Grauman's Chinese Theater and other first-run movie palaces, to see a revival of "The Phantom of the Opera." That old theater, not in the least luxurious and quite small, was a virtual shrine for lovers of silent films. Management had obtained a print of this film in acceptable condition, though I don't recall that the Technicolor sequence had been preserved in that print and, on that evening anyway, there was no musical accompaniment.
Mary dreaded the experience of seeing one of her old films amid a mid-Fifties audience, which she feared would find the film a subject of comical curiosity rather than a piece of genuinely enthralling entertainment. We joined the rest of the audience that night in enjoying the experience of seeing the film, however, and Mary was relieved that she had consented to accompany us (though she insisted that we shield her from any possible recognition, not too easy to do, since she had hardly changed in appearance in the quarter-century since that classic's production.) I, for one, remember being amazed at the care and expense that had obviously been lavished on its production.
Not very long after that evening, we went to a neighborhood theater in Pacific Palisades, Calif., to see James Cagney in the 1957 Universal-International biographical film about Lon Chaney, Sr., "Man of a Thousand Faces," again with Mary Philbin in our company. The unmasking scene from "The Phantom of the Opera" was rather perfunctorily recreated, with an actress playing Mary who did not resemble her. As we exited the theater, Mary and our family friend, who had quite a few early Hollywood associations (She had once been married to Ernst Lubitsch, the legendary director, when they first came to Hollywood from their native Germany.), regaled me with reminiscences about Irving Thalberg (played in the film by a young Robert Evans), whom they had both known and for whom they had quite a high regard.
Mary remained a family friend over the years until her death more than thirty years later. She led a very quiet life, for many years occupying a house she had owned since the days of her stardom (only a few blocks north on Fairfax Ave. from that silent movie revival house!) I remember her with great fondness for her modesty and extraordinary sweetness.
Mary dreaded the experience of seeing one of her old films amid a mid-Fifties audience, which she feared would find the film a subject of comical curiosity rather than a piece of genuinely enthralling entertainment. We joined the rest of the audience that night in enjoying the experience of seeing the film, however, and Mary was relieved that she had consented to accompany us (though she insisted that we shield her from any possible recognition, not too easy to do, since she had hardly changed in appearance in the quarter-century since that classic's production.) I, for one, remember being amazed at the care and expense that had obviously been lavished on its production.
Not very long after that evening, we went to a neighborhood theater in Pacific Palisades, Calif., to see James Cagney in the 1957 Universal-International biographical film about Lon Chaney, Sr., "Man of a Thousand Faces," again with Mary Philbin in our company. The unmasking scene from "The Phantom of the Opera" was rather perfunctorily recreated, with an actress playing Mary who did not resemble her. As we exited the theater, Mary and our family friend, who had quite a few early Hollywood associations (She had once been married to Ernst Lubitsch, the legendary director, when they first came to Hollywood from their native Germany.), regaled me with reminiscences about Irving Thalberg (played in the film by a young Robert Evans), whom they had both known and for whom they had quite a high regard.
Mary remained a family friend over the years until her death more than thirty years later. She led a very quiet life, for many years occupying a house she had owned since the days of her stardom (only a few blocks north on Fairfax Ave. from that silent movie revival house!) I remember her with great fondness for her modesty and extraordinary sweetness.
- gregcouture
- Apr 24, 2003
- Permalink
I have seen a number of versions of this story over the years, but my favorite is a re-release from just a few years ago of the Original with an all new Soundscore by Rick Wakeman (Keboardist and Organist from the rock group "YES")Introduced by Christopher Lee actually in the sub basement of the Paris Opera House. The Paris Opera House being only two blocks from the river Siene did actually have five sub floors and an underground lake that was below the river level. Lon Chaney's extraordinary makeup for the character Erik was never to be improved through all of the other incarnations. And while Mary Philbin's performance was excellent Chaney's performance absolutely shined as the quintessential tortured soul-cum-villain of Gaston Leroux's novel. No complete movie collection should be without this film.
- ozthegreatat42330
- Mar 27, 2007
- Permalink
- Anonymous_Maxine
- Jan 11, 2005
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The original Lon Chaney version of the classic horror story may not be the best introduction to silent films for anyone unaccustomed to the style and pacing of pre-Vitaphone melodrama. Modern audiences are cautioned to approach it as they would any antique museum piece, forgiving the now faded visual splendor and dated histrionics to better appreciate the age and rarity of the artifact itself.
Strictly speaking, the film was never much of a true horror story. Think of it instead as a wayward cousin to Jean Cocteau's 'Beauty and the Beast', with the lovelorn and tragic title character revealed not as an enchanted fairy tale prince, but a disfigured lunatic escaped from the local insane asylum. The Gothic production design is still impressive, but after all these years it's Lon Chaney who carries the film, and his commanding presence is never more obvious than in the pivotal scene when an unsuspecting Mary Philbin unmasks him in his underground lair beneath the Paris Opera House. It's one of the defining moments of our collective movie memory, and deserves to be seen as originally intended: on the big screen with live musical accompaniment (I was fortunate to see the film, in February of 2002, at the Riviera Theatre in North Tonawanda, New York, with the talented Cary Wright on the theater's restored, vintage Wurlitzer organ).
Strictly speaking, the film was never much of a true horror story. Think of it instead as a wayward cousin to Jean Cocteau's 'Beauty and the Beast', with the lovelorn and tragic title character revealed not as an enchanted fairy tale prince, but a disfigured lunatic escaped from the local insane asylum. The Gothic production design is still impressive, but after all these years it's Lon Chaney who carries the film, and his commanding presence is never more obvious than in the pivotal scene when an unsuspecting Mary Philbin unmasks him in his underground lair beneath the Paris Opera House. It's one of the defining moments of our collective movie memory, and deserves to be seen as originally intended: on the big screen with live musical accompaniment (I was fortunate to see the film, in February of 2002, at the Riviera Theatre in North Tonawanda, New York, with the talented Cary Wright on the theater's restored, vintage Wurlitzer organ).
This movie is one of the few horror movies that truly was beyond its time. Needless to say, Lon Chaney Sr. was capable of terrifying audiences with little more than a simple clown make up kit and some wires and hairpins. Modern films of the genre struggle for effectiveness (with awesome exception) using state of the art CGI and special FX. RIP Lon Chaney, you were a master of your art.
The sets are par excellence, I am inclined to agree with the above comment on that point. The acting was the finest that could be expected of a film that relied little on the audio and deeply upon the visual. I found myself drawn into the story, simply by what little detail is brought to the characters' depth in the text spots. The silent acting bloomed the rest into my mind. This was one of the films that helped me learn to respect the art before the "talkies".
The sets are par excellence, I am inclined to agree with the above comment on that point. The acting was the finest that could be expected of a film that relied little on the audio and deeply upon the visual. I found myself drawn into the story, simply by what little detail is brought to the characters' depth in the text spots. The silent acting bloomed the rest into my mind. This was one of the films that helped me learn to respect the art before the "talkies".
I have seen this film many times, and I find myself being drawn into it the more I watch it. Yeah, many of the performances are overdone, and Rupert Julian was a hack of a director, but you will NEVER forget Chaney's performance. In a film of big dramatics, Chaney brings nuance, rhythm, and subtleties to his performance like no one else. ...And by the way, Chaney did not direct the Bal Masque sequence. Whoever posted that is gravely mistaken. However, according to Scott McQueen, Chaney did have a hand in some of the unmasking scene, and one brief insert shot. All I can say is, get the Milestone/Photoplay edition of the film. The quality of it is a revelation, and one of the best restorations of a silent film I have ever seen. If only Turner would release more of the Chaney films in their holdings, especially some of the Browning films. Oh, well maybe someday.
Lon Chaney's 1925 THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has always been more of a popular than a critical favorite, and this may account for the fact that it has never preserved as well as one might hope. Over the years dozens of companies have released versions of the film on VHS and DVD to the home market, and some have been quite bizarre. I have encountered more than one video tape release without any score at all; a visually impressive 1993 video release by Video Treasures had an incredibly unsuitable pseudo-rock score by Rick Wakeman of the band Yes; the usually expert Kino actually includes a number of superfluous scenes added in 1929 for a semi-sound re-release. So any purchase of this film is a very hit or miss affair, and I recommend that you borrow, rent, and seek the advice of friends before you actually purchase any particular copy.
That said, the silent version of THE PHANTOM is very much in the "grand manner"--which is precisely why audiences love it and critics tend to dismiss it. Everything about the film is larger than life just a bit campy. The sets are enormous and frequently bizarre, the costumes are outrageous, and the entire cast plays in a very grand manner: Chaney is very, very broad here, and his make-up is justly famous; Mary Philbin totters improbably with horror in virtually every scene; Arthur Edmund Carewe has some of the weirdest eye make-up you'll ever see on screen. Chandeliers crash, ballerinas twirl in terror, mirrors open, lakes drain, audiences panic, horses run away with carriages, peasants riot in the street, and there's even (in a good print) a very early color photography sequence.
It is all a TREMENDOUS amount of fun, and while I wouldn't class it with the truly great Chaney films (such as X--THE UNKNOWN, to name but one) it is still the best film version of the famous story to date. Of all the films made of the Leroux novel, this one is easily the best--and, interestingly, is really closer to the novel's spirit than later adaptations, which tend to romanticize the Phantom. A must have for any fan of silent film, and well worth the hunt for a really good print.
Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer
That said, the silent version of THE PHANTOM is very much in the "grand manner"--which is precisely why audiences love it and critics tend to dismiss it. Everything about the film is larger than life just a bit campy. The sets are enormous and frequently bizarre, the costumes are outrageous, and the entire cast plays in a very grand manner: Chaney is very, very broad here, and his make-up is justly famous; Mary Philbin totters improbably with horror in virtually every scene; Arthur Edmund Carewe has some of the weirdest eye make-up you'll ever see on screen. Chandeliers crash, ballerinas twirl in terror, mirrors open, lakes drain, audiences panic, horses run away with carriages, peasants riot in the street, and there's even (in a good print) a very early color photography sequence.
It is all a TREMENDOUS amount of fun, and while I wouldn't class it with the truly great Chaney films (such as X--THE UNKNOWN, to name but one) it is still the best film version of the famous story to date. Of all the films made of the Leroux novel, this one is easily the best--and, interestingly, is really closer to the novel's spirit than later adaptations, which tend to romanticize the Phantom. A must have for any fan of silent film, and well worth the hunt for a really good print.
Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer
- rockerphreak1025
- Feb 7, 2006
- Permalink
The 1925 version of "The Phantom of the Opera" is the one to see, instead of the 1929 re-issue one.
The former has a far better and more coherent plot and it feels like I'm watching a different film.
This is one of the few horror films that actually frightens me and it's all due to Lon Chaney as the definitive Phantom. He mixes pathos with vulnerability very well. I personally rate this film as being his best, combining great acting with another memorable make-up job.
By "Universal"s usual standards, "Phantom of the Opera" is a lavish production. It took months for all those detailed sets to be made and the hard work certainly paid off.
The former has a far better and more coherent plot and it feels like I'm watching a different film.
This is one of the few horror films that actually frightens me and it's all due to Lon Chaney as the definitive Phantom. He mixes pathos with vulnerability very well. I personally rate this film as being his best, combining great acting with another memorable make-up job.
By "Universal"s usual standards, "Phantom of the Opera" is a lavish production. It took months for all those detailed sets to be made and the hard work certainly paid off.
- alexanderdavies-99382
- May 18, 2017
- Permalink
- mhesselius
- Jul 26, 2010
- Permalink
This is a silent classic (although not quite as good as Nosferatu or Metropolis) and is easily the best version of The Phantom Of The Opera. Silent film is a perfect medium for this tale, if like me you're less than fond of actual opera.
This film to me, is different from many of the later versions (the Charles Dance/Terri Polo mini series, for example) in the fact that I can't believe that Erik (The Phantom played by Lon Chaney, a master of his painstaking craft) truly loves Christine Daae (silent era starlet Mary Philbin). In this film it seems more
like a selfish need to possess her and keep her for him alone. Lon Cahaney is gleefully evil and sadistic in this version, wantonly terrorising and killing without a thought. A true monster, unlike the later more sympathetic/romantic interpretations. This is a dark film, atmospheric and thrilling. An early horror classic worth keepin alive and far superior to the later Universal "talkies" of the '30s.
This film to me, is different from many of the later versions (the Charles Dance/Terri Polo mini series, for example) in the fact that I can't believe that Erik (The Phantom played by Lon Chaney, a master of his painstaking craft) truly loves Christine Daae (silent era starlet Mary Philbin). In this film it seems more
like a selfish need to possess her and keep her for him alone. Lon Cahaney is gleefully evil and sadistic in this version, wantonly terrorising and killing without a thought. A true monster, unlike the later more sympathetic/romantic interpretations. This is a dark film, atmospheric and thrilling. An early horror classic worth keepin alive and far superior to the later Universal "talkies" of the '30s.