The matchmaking. Dear God, the matchmaking. As soon as you're done with the tutorial (which is trivial if you were told about the game's features beyond "this button is to attack and this one is to run", and guess what the game DOESN'T DO), you can finally play your first real online match. The tutorial was a curbstomp, so this should be good too, right?
NOPE! There is barely ANY restriction on which players can match up with who. My first Showdown match featured several powerful brawlers, but in particular, there were two Leons and a Kit right off the bat. Keep in mind, these brawlers are very gimmicky (Kit stuns you for the entire duration of his super, requiring you to avoid him at all costs or die basically instantly, Leon turns invisible and requires you to look for a faint distortion in the background) and no new player will ever suspect that the incredibly subtle distortion next to you is actually a massive threat or that a cat jumping on you with someone nearby is effectively an instakill. Team matches are even worse, as you have to worry about whether your teammates will be good (there are some great synergies, but you can't select who your teammates are, so you just have to gamble that your teammates also have the other character in the synergy) and whether your opponents are as well.