Two weeks ago, I saw Cold Skin: about a British guy going to live/ study on an island where he finds a crazy lighthouse guy and "creatures".
That was interesting and not too bad.
THIS was about the same in quality.
Only all too human are the monsters. Too human & close to home. This has subtitles but any horror fan avoiding films for THAT reason its time to get used to them!! You're missing on an absolute mammoth amount of cool international fare! Having said that, some aren't as memorable as the best Swedish German, Korean etc horrors.
I can usually rely on the Swedish to have a unique simple story at first, only to grow into wildly crazy adventures with great acting, cinematography, music to create a weird oddly creepy horror. Even their action is great. Think Tattoos Girl films.
The setting is lovely like beaches are!
This one is ALL business about a meteorologist (David) who followed in his much exalted father's footsteps. He's headed to an island that has apparently only one other resident; the lady lighthouse keeper.
There's also a father figure named Björn and he along with our David's mother keep trying to avoid too much focus on the father curious death. There's a well done, if immediate relationship w coupling of David and Sarah (the lighthouse lady) and books with Cyrillic writing that his father left him. Theres a mystery and there are places to find as the film becomes increasingly more tense. Its well done if totally out of nowhere. Perhaps I missed the technical storyline bread crumbs that lead to a culmination of discoveries. I'm sure I did. I think for some this will be a slow burn without a big enough payoff but it WAS ENOUGH for me. Its a pretty good story. I feel like we've seen these tropes before BUT at the same the ending is pure SWEDISH WINTER!!
DARK & depressing....well not to ALL veiwers. Its better than so much content on Prime.