The premise of this series gets sketched out pretty quickly. Deadly virus, mysterious hybrid births, chaos, a man and his hybrid son. It's a solid premise filmed in an engagine manner.
BUT ... this first episode has an intrusive and completely unnecessary narrator. He basically describes things you're seeing. He rarely tells you anything you can't figure out on your own, and never tells you anything a better script couldn't have show instead of told.
A small example: The narrator says the source of the hybrids, is a mystery everyone will obsess over. 1 minute later we hear a collage of TV broadcasters, one of whom says, everyone is puzzling over the source of the hybrid. He uses almost the exact same words as the narrator. So what was the point?
Even when not using the narrator, the episode leans very heavily on exposition.
To me, this suggests that the series' makers either aren't confident in their ability to show instead of tell or they aren't confident in their audience's ability to understand what they're watching.
Still, the kid star is likable, as is Nonso Anozie, the episode looks good, and the premise has a lot of promise.
So I'm going to watch a few more episodes and see how they are. But I don't know if this series will ultimately be one I stick with or not.