Why did anyone think this is charming? Is this just one of those Netflix projects where you don't really need to think about the quality since you already got paid or you can do just whatever you want without any kind of oversight? I was bored at 25 minutes and I only watched the rest because I generally don't quit midway through a movie. Probably should have.
The main character is just void of any kind of personality and the titular dragon just grates on the nerves. Is it supposed to be like Donkey from Shrek? At least Donkey was fun and would shut up when the filmmakers realized he wasn't just bothering Shrek, but us as well. Nothing like that in this movie. The dragon just goes on and on without any kind of reason or pay-off.
The internal logic of the movie is lacking and that's putting it nicely. I found myself continuously tutting at whatever was happening on screen. The whole premise of the film is that the dragon can keep an island afloat just by being strong enough to pull it back atop the water when it sinks too low, but at the same time the dragon is uselessly weak.
I do like some of the visuals, but the dragon is just bad. Why would you spend so little thought on the most important character in your movie? Was the point just to make it simple, because you are going to have it on screen so much and you didn't want to work too much? Anyhow, the points I did give the movie are for the visuals, because many of the other animal designs are kind of fun.
And then... when you finally think it's over, when the natural course of the story has happened and the climax is over, you find that there's 20 more minutes in the runtime. Pacing, anyone?