Snakeeater is obviously a small movie made on what looks like a tiny budget with little known actors, but it's interesting enough for a one time watch I and ended up liking it. As a photographer I was greatly impressed by the way this movie looks, the cinematography is outstanding and adds to the story and atmosphere. It really is one great shot after another. The locations used are also perfect. As a whole the movie works, someone put a lot of thought into how this movie looks and connects to the story it tells. The big problem with the movie is that for most of it, there is no action, just scene after scene of people talking. If you're going to make a movie that relies heavily on just conversations, the script better be top notch and fascinating and this just isn't. It isn't a long movie, and it does pick up towards the end but it feels like it takes a long time to get going. While I liked the story, it isn't exactly an original one, and I did figure it out beforehand. The performances are Ok, some better than others. I think I was most impressed by the way this movie looks. It needed a better script and some actual action.