I suppose this is the right time and place for a movie like this. Callee is an "extreme" social justice warrior, who accidentally kills a rival in the ladies bathroom at school. Her hometown has a history with a serial killer, and Callee and her best friend Ian decide to stage a mock home invasion to make it look like they were all attacked. This seemingly draws the attention of the real killer.
I think this filmmaker intended to make Callee as unlikeable and (reverse??) offensive as possible. Triggered is an apt title, as anything and everything triggers her as an offense on her morals. And she lets everone know! Problem is, the stuff they've given her to say is so outrageous and funny, AND she is played over-the-top and to a "T" by Merideth Mohler, that I could not help but fall in love with this character. Oh, she is also callous (funny, huh?), antisocial, and self-absorbed. There is a great scene in a diner where her put-upon (by Callee!) principal sits down with her to try to make a connection, and she shares a story of survival, describing the worst day of her life... while Callee tools around on her phone. Her mom was the icing on the cake, as a forgotten B-movie scream queen.
A few things in this movie I didn't think worked, or at least weren't explored properly, but overall for a no budget comedy/slasher that runs a little long (though I wasn't bored or checking the time, it's an hour and 45 well spent), Triggered is pretty strong. Everything connects in the end.
Check out the DVD deleted scenes (42 mins). There is some entertaining stuff in there that would never fit in the film, like it was just done for fun. The final 10 minutes is all bloopers, but not labeled as such. Beware of the back cover! There are spoilers and inaccuracies.