This film had the potential to be good. Yes it has been done before, but they could still have done something with it.
Clearly there is a budget issue. At least twice in the film, they forgot to add in the sound effects. The last one I noticed was when he gets shot, they forgot to put in the gunfire sound, also one scene earlier where they forgot to put in the sound of the slap that would have provoked that kind of reaction, instead there is just silence. Then the sound quality dies at the end of the film, not to mention the fact that she is clearly talking on the phone that is not connected to a phone call. I could go on but I won't.
The acting is for the most part awful. Some scenes are bearable, most are awful, some are just down right cringey.
The story has many holes in it and an irrelevant character that is not necessary for the story and in fact is very cringe-worthy and takes away from the film rather than adding to it. With a slightly better script it could have been good. The first half though is not as bad as the second half. It seems every one got tired of doing the film and/or they run out of money.
I can tolerate a lot and forgive some mistakes, but this really takes the biscuit, so much so, I had to join up here to write this, which I don't usually bother with.
A cult classic - NOT EVER. If you were aiming for a B movie, you failed, Z is too high for this film.