I was drawn into this film from the beginning when some police turn up at a hacker's (Drew Reynolds - Sam Huntington) secret hideaway and I thought he was just going to get arrested but then he nearly makes a get away on a hidden motorbike. This motorbike chase was very good to watch, because during it, the hacker uses some cool gadgets to disable some of the police cars and almost gets away. And I would have liked to have seen more gadgets like this but unfortunately after getting arrested there is only a little bit of action until the final shootout at the end of the film.
When Drew is arrested the police ask him for some help to stop another hacker who has gained access to an encryption key called Pantheon that he is using to shut down power in Chicago and he can also use it to gain access to anywhere on the internet and beyond.
Drew agrees to help them on one condition, that he chooses his own team to work with.
Like I said at the start there's not much action after the arrest, but we are kept entertained by Drew's witty one liners which reminded of some Ryan Reynold's jokes. Unfortunately though Drew also uses some complicated technical terms which made me feel lost at times. We are also kept entertained when we see that the team he chooses are a bunch of misfits that don't look likely to succeed.
The final shootout is good because it has some good sniper shots, some funny moments like when one of the team, Fisher (Kevin Dillon) tries to shoot a tank with a bazooka and misses and hits his teammate's (Dmitri - Christian Hillborg) car. And a good fight between another team member called Gloria (Katie McGarth) and a brutal villain, Bes (Amber Jean Rowan.)
There is also a countdown until the bad hacker sets off a bomb and it's up to Drew to stop him. This may sound intense but actually turns out to be one of longest countdowns I've seen. And I would have also like to have seen the bad hacker put up more of a fight and look more tough but instead his character looks like a skinny teenager who smokes weed and it's actually Bes who stands out as the main villain.
Overall though I enjoyed most of the film and I'm glad I didn't throwaway the chance to watch it because I was quite lucky to come across this on Netflix when it was quite late one night and I went for it because it's only about 90 minutes long and the trailer looked good. I might also watch it again in a year or two... If I can't find anything else on Netflix.