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Lucky Luciano (1973)
background of release cut in cinemas
23 June 2017
Reading some of the other reviews of Rossi's Lucky Luciano it is worth remembering that before it's release in 1974 the Italian film censors got their hands on Rossi's final cut and butchered it against his wishes, his protestations falling on deaf ears. It would appear this is the only cut that has survived official interference and, why I suspect it is so disjointed in its chronology. It is with this unwarranted and suspicious interference from the Italian censor that we should view this movie and which makes the content so much more revealing about the Italian state and how it's hidden hand works on different levels.

This is a very powerful and sophisticated film so both character and historical background knowledge is essential before viewing to make this a much more rewarding experience. Rossi is a master of political expose in cinema and deserves credit to agree releasing it in this pared down version - which must have stuck in his throat to do so at 100/110 minutes according to which distributors copy you buy -
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