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Pyromaniac (1979)
Donny boy has got a special talent of enticing women inside his house.
27 March 2017
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs.

Revisited it recently.

Donny keeps hearing his dead mother's dominating voices as the body of his mother is still kept in the house a la Psycho style.

Donny, inspite of being an introvert, somehow succeeds in picking up females n is able to lure them in his house.

Donny's house is a brilliant piece of location and adds an eerie sense.

Coming to the bad points, the movie is very slow. Nothing happens in the first 50 mins or so n most of the killings r offscreen.

The end too is a big meh.

What happens to the poor priest is never shown.

The movie has zero tension n zero suspense.

One can call it a poor man's version of Psycho n Deranged.
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