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#Horror (2015)
One of the worst!
26 November 2015
I really love horror movies and I decided to buy this one on Pay per view because it had such an amazing cast - Chloe Sevigny, Tomothy Hutton, and Lydia Hearst. Unfortunately #Horror turned out to be one of the worst horror movies I've ever seen. I actually thought about turning it off several times but I already paid to see it.

First of all it's not even scary! There were no big shocks or frights here. In fact most of the "horror" doesn't even happen until the last 15 minutes. Most of the movie is tween girls dressing up and talking and acting stupid.

Also the very talented cast is totally misused. Chloe Sevigny is always a delight on screen but she has very little to do. She had the one funny scene in the movie (involving lost cell phones) and then she basically disappears until the end. Timothy Hutton is a great actor but he is forced to yell and overact throughout the entire movie. Then they cast the gorgeous model/heiress Lydia Hearst and she is only on screen for a minute.

The other problem is that the plot is supposed to be about bullying but I could not tell who the victim was. All the girls are horrible and say mean, cruel things to each other. They are all playing evil bullies so how is the audience supposed to sympathize with anyone.

The director tries to be cool buy adding images of social media, online games, and hash tags but it just reminds you how bad the movie is. The ending is predictable and at the same time confusing. Skip this movie and please don't make the mistake of paying for it like I did.
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