I'm a little unusual as far as movies and books go. I will love a horrible story or movie for one good idea, one good scene or one good actor.
This was that film. I saw it when it was first aired when I was 14 and it made an impression on me. We had read the play a year earlier in 7th grade but it was Jason Robard's portrayal of the playfully witty grumpy grandpa who made the movie.
If you like Robards this movie cannot be missed. His portrayal of an ideal Atheist is good, even if it the reality of Clarence Darrow's personality. The way he gives sage advise to Cates about "Golden Dancer" - "Bert, whenever you see something bright, shining, perfect-seeming—all gold, with purple spots—look behind the paint! And if it's a lie—show it up for what it really is!" - cannot be beat. Robard's perfect rendition of this epic metaphor for a young man to follow in his hard and often lonely search for truth is what makes this film.
As an adult now, I have seen the classic version of this but there are benefits to this old made for TV movie - if you can find it, see it - and also drop me a line about where I can find it - I had my old VHS for years but can't find it!
This was that film. I saw it when it was first aired when I was 14 and it made an impression on me. We had read the play a year earlier in 7th grade but it was Jason Robard's portrayal of the playfully witty grumpy grandpa who made the movie.
If you like Robards this movie cannot be missed. His portrayal of an ideal Atheist is good, even if it the reality of Clarence Darrow's personality. The way he gives sage advise to Cates about "Golden Dancer" - "Bert, whenever you see something bright, shining, perfect-seeming—all gold, with purple spots—look behind the paint! And if it's a lie—show it up for what it really is!" - cannot be beat. Robard's perfect rendition of this epic metaphor for a young man to follow in his hard and often lonely search for truth is what makes this film.
As an adult now, I have seen the classic version of this but there are benefits to this old made for TV movie - if you can find it, see it - and also drop me a line about where I can find it - I had my old VHS for years but can't find it!