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This is it?
25 January 2010
There is one simple way of understanding whether one will enjoy This Is It or not, and that has to do with a caption that appears at the beginning of the film: "For the fans". Translation: Those who grew up with Michael Jackson's music, know his songs by heart and idolized him despite his bizarre antics and legal problems will love the movie; those who believe he was an overrated, disturbed artist will probably loathe it. Then there's a third category, to which I belong: people who enjoy listening to Jackson's music, without necessarily being die-hard fans. In that case, This Is It comes off as an interesting, but rather hollow experience.

The story behind the picture is well-known: following Michael Jackson's tragic, unexpected death in June 2009, just before the first of a series of gigs that would mark his retirement, it was decided to make the rehearsal footage, filmed during the preparations for the first concert, known to the public, so that the late singer's admirers could get an idea of what could have been. The film begins with several young people auditioning to become dancers or background singers, and their tangible enthusiasm remains unaffected throughout, a feeling that is shared by Jackson once the real work begins.

Watching the footage makes one thing absolutely clear: if Jackson had lived, it would have been a major event. Showing no signs of weakness whatsoever, he was both precise (he knew exactly what everyone should do and when) and playful (he is shown goofing around on the stage and joyously interacting with everybody), trying to make sure all the people involved were having a good time. Unfortunately, a lot of that passion and energy fails to get through the screen, mostly because of the center-stage presence granted to the project's director, Kenny Ortega (of High School Musical fame), whose constant attempts to please his star get annoying rather quickly.

On the flip-side, it's intriguing to see all the special stuff the team was preparing for the event: new filmed material to go with certain songs (including new footage shot for Thriller), devices that would allow the stage to "transform" as the show went on, smoke, special effects, you name it. Additionally, even casual listeners are likely to be thrilled when Jackson performs live versions of everyone's favorites. This Is It was, in his mind at least, a true labor of love. The resulting film, however, does occasionally have "cash-in" written on it. It's an interesting look at a lost opportunity, but it's more of a curiosity, rather than a proper, affectionate tribute. You know, for the fans.
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